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I can't pass a night without updating peeps.

This one isn't a ship tho.


Mitsuri's Childhood Friend

As Mitsuri the love pillar was passing by she saw the mist pillar sitting alone while staring at the sky.

Muichiro-kun isn't that friendly that's why he's so lonely.. Just like Tomioka-san.

She thought of the scene she saw earlier. When she just finished chatting with Kyojuro the flame pillar, she saw Tomioka staring at Shinobu while a small smile was in his lips.

She rarely see his smile and it's because of Shinobu- chan? Hmm..

Maybe if I get Muichiro-kun like a girl, he'll change too!

She thought. Then an idea got in her mind. She smiled mischievously and clapped excitedly.

She will get Muichiro to like Annalyse, her childhood friend who never got a boyfriend. She's just 15 so they'll match.

Annalyse is beautiful and shy. She never talk to anyone until a person approach her. Introverted just like Muichiro-kun!

There's no guarantee that her plan will work but at least she tried. And maybe they'll ended up friends anyways so it's a benefit from either fail or success.

It's also her free time since she just got back from her last mission so she can go back to her home town for a bit.

It's a 3 hours trip and once she stepped out of the train, a great feeling of nostalgia creeped in her heart.

A lot of memories came inside her head and she smiled. This is the place where she grew up.

Unfortunately her family moved to another province but she's sure Annalyse is still living here.

She started walking towards Annalyse's place. As she walks by, she continued to see a lot of memories when she was still a child by seeing familiar places and things she used to see everyday.

When she finally arrived in front of Annalyse's house she heard screams and yells from the house behind her.

She's not sure if she'll check but still she knocks. The screams stopped and she couldn't hear anything anymore.

A minute passed by but still no noise came out again nor someone opened the door.

Maybe it's just a family matter and I shouldn't meddle with it.

She sighed then walked towards Annalyse's house once again. It's getting late now and the sun's starting to dissappear.

Oh no. It's night time now, demons might show up in any minute. Should I go home now? Maybe I should do this cupid plan next time.

She decided to go home but when she was about to walk away, a strong aura of a demon showed up in Annalyse's roof.

Her eyes winded. She quickly hold her sword and dashed towards the demon.

The moon isn't that bright so she couldn't see the demon's face.

She aimed for the neck but as soon as the moonlight reached the demon's face she backed away in shocked.

She couldn't raise her arm and she couldn't even speak. She gasped in horror as the demon she was about to kill was none other than Annalyse herself.

A/N: obviously there will be a part 2 but I might write it tomorrow cuz I'm lazy.

Quote for the day..

Dream Big and Work Hard ❤

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