21 | through the woods

Start from the beginning

After what feels like hours of walking through twigs and dried leaves, the sun sets completely and we are left to the dark. I grow more and more aware of my surroundings with every passing second, fearing that something might attack us anytime. Although that shouldn't be the case since we are definitely trespassing over what looks like private property devoid of wild animals.

My feet ache in my heels and cramps greet their way up. I feel cold, and tired and am panting for breath whereas Vaughn is unstoppable. Unable to walk anymore, I plop down under a tree and take deep breaths, drinking my saliva to quench my thirst for water.

"Vaughn!" I shout for him with the leftover energy in my body and find him halting.

He spots me under the huge tree and puts his hands on his hips, giving me a disappointed look before he walks over to me. In these woods, he doesn't look like a human at all with his upset face and tall frame. He seems to be one of the wilds, hunting for his prey which is me.

"What's wrong?" There isn't the least bit of concern present in his voice.

"I'm tired. Can we stop for a while?"

"Look around you, blondie." He points towards the rows of trees. "Does this look like a place to rest? Get up, we only have to walk a little more."

"But where are we going?"

I let out a painful grunt as I pull my feet out of my high heels only to spot blisters under them. The sight makes me gag. I have never had blisters before and they look so ugly.

Vaughn looks at my feet too and I see a glimpse of sympathy catch his eyes. He covers it quickly though by furrowing his brows.

"There is a hotel nearby. I know the owner," he informs, crouching in front of me. "We can stop there and call Jake."

"Who's Jake?" I ask and then cry in pain when Vaughn puts his hand on my foot and picks it up to rest on his thigh.

He blows air over the blisters, soothing the pain while I am more focused on the way his rough hands move over my skin. The cold is suddenly gone as I am caught in the moment. He lifts his eyes to meet mine and I am suspended in a thin line between wanting to say something or remaining speechless.

He is so beautiful. His chocolaty eyes shine when the moonlight falls over his pupils. I notice the golden streaks around them, admiring the way they comprehend him. His sharp features, the aquiline nose, and the light stubble decorating his face suck me in. His lips look so kissable that I just want to taste them one more time.

He is so close. If I move a little, I can cup his face between my hands and move my fingers through his hair as our lips clash under the moonlight. The thought feels unfriendly in a situation like this when we are both desperate to have a way out.

His fingers curl around my ankle, the palm of his hand pressing lightly against the arch of my foot. Unprecedented shivers rush through me, keeping me attached to him. Every touch of him is like a switch, igniting something raw inside me.

"He's David's temporary replacement," Vaughn says, his eyes scanning my injuries. "David's on vacation."

"Huh?" I am pulled out of my daze at the interruption. "Oh...okay."

He puts my foot down and stands up. "Will you be able to walk?"

"I'm wearing heels," I answer in an obvious voice.

He lets out a sigh of frustration and then, before I can say anything, he leans down to put his arms under my waist and knees. I curve my hands around his neck as he picks me up from the ground in his arms. The warmth of his hand against my back makes goosebumps rise through me as he starts to walk.

"Hey! My heels," I cry out all at once, looking at my heels which are still under the tree.

"Leave them."

"But they are Prada," I argue, craning my neck to keep looking at my brand-new brown heels which were my favorite.

Mom bought them for me as a gift.

"I'll buy you the entire mall."

I stare at Vaughn, blinking in disbelief. "Really? But that would be expensive."

He stops walking and looks at me. "You're Vaughn Jackson's wife, baby. Money is the one thing you'll never lack."

Pride drips from his voice as he holds me closer to his body. His hand on my back is still hot and distracting, making it unable for me to keep my restless heart at peace.

I ponder for a second and then a broad smile gets on my lips. "I knew there was a reason I married you, Jackson."

I boop the tip of his nose. He shakes his head, annoyed by my action.

"Because I'm rich?" He tightens his hold, inching my face closer to his.

"No," I chuckle. "Because I can make you poorer."

He narrows his eyes at me, looking offended. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, taking his time to think, and then wets it with his tongue.

"I feel the sudden urge to drop you, blondie." He smirks, loosening his grip and making me tighten my hold around his neck in fear. "Shall I?"

"No, no, no, please..." I plead, the smile dropping from my face as I look at the ground to find myself dangling at about five feet. "I'm sorry. I'll keep quiet."

He chuckles, bouncing my body as he holds me tight again and resumes walking, carrying me through the woods like I am the damsel in distress indeed and he is my knight in shining armor.

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