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3rd person P.O.V

[Name] opened her eyes, Blinking adjusting to the lights

"Ngh" They groaned quietly, Sitting up and seeing the mini versions of team 7

They stared at the mini versions of team 7, Sasuke turned to look at them to see them in a daze

When They realized that Sasuke turned to look at them, They screamed loudly realizing that Sasuke moved to look at them, TO LOOK AT THEM.

"AHH! WHAT THE HELL HOW ARE YOU MOVING!" They said pointing an accusing finger at Sasuke

Kakashi deadpanned, Sakura sweatdropped

[Name] blinked seemingly calmed down

Wow moodswing😔

'Huh? Team 7 is in her house?'

'THEY ARE IN THEIR HOUSE? THE REAL TEAM SEVEN? But why are they so small?'

They cautiously walks over to them and sits on their knees

"Do you mind going on my hand?" They ask putting their hand on the ground

Sasuke glares at her, Naruto went on her hand without a second thought

"Your hand is so big!" Naruto yells

Sasuke slowly goes on their hand, He hasn't felt any bad intentions yet

"Sasuke-Kun! Wait for me!" Sakura yells following him

[Name] sighs 'I don't want them to think I'm the suspicious so...'

"Uh, Grandpa? Can you go on my other hand?" [Name] says dying inside

'OMFG I CALLED KAKASHI A GRANDPA!' They yelled in her head

An imaginary arrow shot through Kakashi

'G-grandpa?' He cries

"They think your a grandpa!" Naruto laughs

Inner Sakura was snickering 'His hair is grey!'
"Hey! Don't call Kakashi-sensei a grandpa! Even though he looks like one" Sakura whispers the last part

Sasuke was just thinking about how they were all idiots

[Name] was getting tired of waiting so They just picked up Kakashi by his vest and walked to the kitchen

They placed them down and took a seat

"So..." They start staring at them



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