Dave x Jeff The Killer

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It was a cold summer night and Dave was walking home from work when he heard footsteps behind him. Dave turned around and saw a pale, ugly looking man with dirty black hair.
- Oh hey, i really wanna be blind right now. Dave said, obviously mocking the guys looks.
The pale man sighed and burst into tears. Dave started to feel bad about what he had said.
- Dude c'mon i'm sorry i didn't mean it. Dave said.
Dave grabbed the mans hand and asked:
- What's your name?
The man looked up and Dave and said:
- I'm Jeff..
Jeff kissed Dave shyly and smiled at him.
- What..? Uh-. Dave said sounding confused.
Dave liked the kiss tho. He really liked it.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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