~ Chapter 56: Endangered Species ~

Start from the beginning

"How bad is it?" Sonic asked Tails who's checking on the Tornado.

"We're not leaving the island any time soon. But with our tracker on the Death Egg, we won't have trouble finding it again. T-Pup can handle most of the repairs and keep an eye on things while we check the situation here in the ruins, right, boy?"


Amy pointed at the damaged city ahead.

"Looks like there's a residential area under lock-down up ahead. We should get an idea on how bad things have gotten."

Y/N, Kirby, Sonic, Tails, and Amy snuck into the city and hid behind a bush as a tank rolled past them.

"Looks like it's pretty bad." Y/N whispered.

"Yeah... Dibs on the tank!!"

Sonic jumped out of the bush and attacked the tank with a spin dash. The rest of them were right behind him as Amy knocked out the Legionnaires with her hammer, Tails hit them with his twin-tails, Y/N fighting them off as she tripped them off with her whip while hitting them mercilessly, and Kirby tickling them before punching them in the faces. Some of the Legionairs tried to make a run for it, but they were stopped by Remington and a few male echidnas pointing their guns, spears, and arrows at them.

"Alright, hands where we can see them. Surrender quietly and nobody gets hurt." Remington said.

Soon all the Legionnaires were tied up as the Freedom Fighters meet Remington.

"Hey! Remington, right?" Sonic said, shaking hands with him.

"Yes. You need no introduction, Sonic. I know you as well Y/N and Kirby. Thanks for beating us to the punch. I didn't really have a plan for a tank."

"No prob. It's what Freedom Fighters is all about."

Y/N elbowed him.

"Give it a rest!"

"I'm Amy Rose."

"Hi! I'm Tails!"

"It's a pleasure and an honor. I've been trying to reach Angel Island for days to no avail. But I'll be happily take all the help I can get." Remington said.

"Er... Anyone besides Knuckles might be hard to come by, Remmy. What's the situation here?"

"Stable up until a few days ago. The victims of the day of transit had all gotten together and made a functioning community, including those who left Lien-Da. A handful of surviving tribesmen here helped the rest of us deal with our more... rustic environment. And my troops have done their best maintaining peace and keeping order. Things were going well, all things considered. Three days ago, Lien-Da invaded with support from Dr. Eggman. After the initial attack, Eggman moved on. Lien-Da chose to stay behind with all her troops. The only Eggman tech she kept was that robot version of the Guardian. My troops are well-organized, but we couldn't stand against that kind of firepower. The enemy captured the matriarch and most of the citizens. The few we could rescue are secured in that residential area where we met. We've been trying to liberate more while taking down enemy troops where we can. Our base camp is here in this theater."

"We saw your defenses. They're good, but they won't hold against the heavy artillery." Sonic said.

"I know. We've been organizing an escape to the mainland, and we plan to hide the citizens in the Mercian Forests and appeal to the king. I know Elias will help you out. And now that we're here, we can bump up your time-table." Amy winked.

"Thank you. Having you here helps more than you can know. That said, I was hoping for more prompt support from Angel Island."

"I know you were kinda out of it at the time, but remember how Angel Island got hit pretty hard by Eggman? They're more rustic than you guys right now." Sonic said, feeling uncomfortable.

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