Doctors appointment

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So as I entered the doctors office, the doctor asked whats been going on, i told her that I've been feeling exhausted, dizzy, and haven't been eating because I've been exhausted.

"Hmmm" she said.


"Well we could do some blood test"

"Okay" I said

So she inserted the needle in my arm and took some blood so she can run some test.

30 minutes later

The doctor entered back in the room

"Well doc is there something wrong with me??"

"Well we looked at the test, and there's nothing wrong with you, except for one thing."

"What one thing?"

"Well congratulations, you're pregnant!"


"Yes you're pregnant, and it says that its  Zachary Levi's."

I fainted

2 hours later

I woke up in a hospital bed, and Alexis, Cillian, and Zachary was in the room.

"What happened" I asked

They told me that I fainted but they dont know the reason why I fainted.

I started to cry

And Zachary came and comfort me. And he asked me what was wrong

"Im pregnant" I whispered

"What did you say? Darling you know you can tell me?"

"IM PREGNANT!" I yelled and cried

I couldn't stop crying and then Zachary comfort me and hugged me for a long time.

"Baby, its gonna be okay I promise, im going to take very good care of you and our baby, I promise that nothing bad is going to happen between us."

I smiled and cried and I said "you promise that you will?"

"Yes, yes baby I promise that I will."

Alexis yelled "yay I knew it, I knew she was pregnant!"

Then Alexis said "Zachary I swear to God if you hurt my best friend in any way possible, I swear I'm going to get you!"

"Woah, I promise. I will never hurt Samara, ever."

"Good" Alexis said

"Cillian, I would do the same if you hurt alexis." I said

"I promise" he said

" Come on baby, I will take you back to my place, and I will take care of you."  "Hey Cillian my dude can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah what is it?" Says Cillian

"Can you take Samara's car back over to yalls place, if you dont mind?"

"Sure thing"

"Thank you Cillian" I said

"Anything for a friend"

We got out of the hospital, me and Zachary headed to his place, and he carried me to his bed.

As he tucked me in his bed, he laid right beside me, and he cuddled me. I thought that it was cute. He played with my hair and he asked me if I was okay and I said yes im okay, then he asked me "are you sure, because it looks like you are in terrible shock."

"Yeah I'm still in terrible shock, but I'm trying to get better."

"Well thats good, I hope that you will get to feeling better soon okay babe?"

"Okay, love you babe."

" I love you too" he said.

Zachary took care of me that weekend and made me breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but I was in the throwing up stage, and I kept throwing everything up.

He kept a trashcan right beside me by the bed the whole time so I dont have to  rush to the bathroom and throw up.

Zachary puts my hair up in a bun, so I didnt get throw up all in my hair.

"Hey" he said

"Hi"  I said

"If you want to, I can help give you a shower? He said"

When he said that I was glad that he offered to help me get a shower, because I felt so weak and I felt like I couldn't get up.

" Please if you would, that would be lovely." I said.

He said "okay I'll help you come here" I had my arms wrapped around his neck and he carried me into the shower.

He went and grabbed the trashcan for me, so I wouldn't throw up on myself while I was in the shower.

He helped me get bathed, I couldn't do it because I felt so week.

After I got bathed, he helped me put clothes on me and put me to bed.

He tucked me in bed again and then kissed my forehead, and then he layed by me and cuddled me again.

He said I will be talking to the school for you tomorrow and say that they have to find a replacement for you, until you have the baby.

" thank you" I said "thank you for everything"

"Anything for you baby"  "Goodnight and I love you"

"Goodnight and I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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