Chapter 14: Fun in Rio

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The sun had already gone down when the agents arrived back in Rio. After going back to the hotel to change, they head over to a teen club named O Gato Chique. Boys and girls were on the dance floor and hanging out at the bar.

The agents arrived at the club in a cab. Dylan, Brian, and Matthew wore jeans and buttoned shirts. Dylan was the only one wearing a black vest over his redshirt. Xenna had on a one-piece, red sundress with matching heals. Her hair, pinned to the left side with a red rose. After the teens entered, Brian went out to the floor and danced with a girl with black hair and a second girl with ginger hair.

The agents danced for a few hours into the night. While the boys were still dancing, Xenna decided to leave the dance floor. Dylan noticed her walking out to a patio area. Outside, Xenna sat by a table and watched people walk by, laughing and having fun. Wishing she could feel the same.

"Mind if I join?"

Xenna glances behind her shoulder to see Dylan. "What, you come to spy on me?"

"I just thought you might want some case something sketchy happens."

Xenna nods, granting Dylan permission to sit next to her. For a brief minute, it was silence. Both agents didn't know what to say.

"Xenna, about last night-"

"Look, Dylan, I understand your concern about my family and whether or not I would sell you guys out, but that's not the case. Okay? I wouldn't be a secret agent right now if I were planning on betraying my partners."

"I know..." Dylan began. "...and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you back in Paris."

"Well, why did you?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I figured when you mentioned that your uncle is a trader, I just assumed."

"What, did Matthew teach you that?"


"Nothing. Just assumed."


"I mean, I just think since you guys supposedly do everything together."

"Well, yeah 'cause we're partners."

"Wrong. You're brothers."

"Your point?"

"That just because two people are related doesn't mean they do the same thing. So, I have an uncle who's involved in illegal trading. That doesn't mean I wanna follow in his footsteps."

"Okay. What does that have to do with me?"

"You and Matthew are brothers, right?"


"And you guys have been partners for almost every single mission so far, right?"


"Well, have you ever thought of being on a mission without Matthew?"

"...I, um...I don't know. Maybe, a few times?"

"Well, have you ever thought about partnering with someone else? Someone other than Matthew? Ever thought of being a leader? I mean, look at what you managed to do with us. Because we teamed up, we not only found the diamond but your brother. You think you would've done that on your own?"


"One more question: have you ever thought Matthew would want you to become a leader?"

Dylan thought about the question. He looked at Matthew, still dancing with Brian. He turned around and replied, "No, I haven't thought of that before."

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