⌗09. I lost when my eyes landed on you

Start from the beginning

Well prestigious school like Shibuya National High School have a entranced exam before studying or going to another level, it's required since school like this publicize to public and known around the Region of Kantou.

Sanzu is known to be a genius but also perfectionist, he ace every exam in the school. Sanzu also known to be competitive when it comes to number one in ranks he doesn't want to be second always first.

But one day his biggest fear came, he became second by getting beat by unknown person.

Upcoming Second Year Batch




[ETC. ]

His face dropped seeing his name on second, he look around finding the person who's on number #1 but anysign was none.

"Woah, are my eyes tricking me or Sanzu is really second?"

"No way, he is!"

"How did that happenned? Who's (Y/N) never heard of her. "

"I heard she's from Brahman National High school, the school born of all genius. She transferred here in Shibuya as much I heard. "

"The great Sanzu is not in first place?!"

"No way!?"

Sanzu in other hand seems annoyed by it and decide to just walk away but when he heard her.

"(Y/N)! Hurry I wanna see your result" a friend of your dragging you to the brown board. He seems notice the (h/l) (h/c) haired girl behind.

"Well, it worth the sleepless night I never had before the exam." she chuckled lightly looking at the board again, "I always dream to be in Shibuya and I'm glad I pass the test,"

The two friends decided to go to a nearby restaurant to celebrate while a smile plastered on their faces.

Well Sanzu in the side just look at you, heart thumping so hard. He doesn't even know what's happening to him all of a sudden.

Well he doesn't believe in love since, he never seen or experience one but in that day, that time, the cupid strikes him so hard that he can't even keep up with.

After that he seek for you, he seek every street in Shibuya for you, he seek the whole campus just to find you, he seek of your presence. He's a lovestruck boy seeking a love for you but any sign or presence of you were not found.

Until one day, fate led you to him in the shrine, seeing you again makes his heart want to jump out to his chest.
He want to speak to you but every word he dropped disappear making him speechless.

Getting beat by you to a competition is fine to him he doesn't care anymore.

Cause since the day he laid his eyes on you, he knew he already lost the game.

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