chap 4

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After bck from piano class I go bath and take a rest. After tu mom called

Mom' cici

Me' yes mom

Mom' come here and see what mom do

Me' ahhh okokay wait a moments. ( go out from my room and go to mom)

Me' apa menu nihri mom hahahaha

Mom' mama ajar yg simple2 dlu. Cici pigi putung tu bawang merah sama bawang besar. Tomato and timun. We cook ikan sos. Nnti next time tinggu mcm mana mama putung ikan. Sdh putung tu bawang2 then cuci tu sayur.

Me' ah ah okay mom I bet it will be fun (at first I feel so irritated sbb bnyk kerja dan sakit mata sampai mau nagis putung bawang hahaha mom tida warn yg cuci tu bawang supya nda menagis ahahah)

After one and half hour kami settle masak2 and have our dinner tgt with dad. Tody papa balik awal sebab teda banyak kerja he said. After eat I go bck my room and continue my homework and study. Around9 my room kena ketuk oleh mom

Mama' ci dede come outside , mama ad cut fruits jum makan.

Then both of us serentak keluar dari our own room. I saw papa watching tv with mom while eating the fruits. Then kami mkn2 sambil I play my phone. Sometimes mama and papa tnya soaln2 pasal how was my study , my day and how is going on with my sch life. Mostly Is random question. Actually not me only but my dede pun kena asked. Dalam jam10.30 mlm gitu I tell mom I ready for sleep. After great my parents gnite and dede I go bck my room. Im not really mind about the way I dress up tmr.

Next day after I take my lunch at home I get ready for hangout with clara. She said she will fetch me guna grab. I wear white tshirt and skinny light blue jeans. Slang bag and sandal. As usual lip balm and perfume.

Me' mom I go outside wait clara she said she otw alrdy dia naik grab so I ready di luar.

Mom' okay take care of urself k , jngn buat bukn2 and jngn ikut org bukn2.

And then my mom give me some money to buy food and pay for the grab.

Clara' hiii

Me' hi , then whts ur plan ni jln sna?

Clara' nothg much eat and take photo and chilla.

Me' ohh okok


We pay grab and then we go to the restaurant. Tinggu menu and then kami order fries , mushroom soup , pizza small size and two ice cookies chocolate.

Clara' you okay ka with ur family ? (pembuka cerita kami tody hahah)

Me' okay ja la cus my dad kinda busy lately , hby?

Clara' okay jugala just my mom bising ba kalau dia nmpk sy chill2 padahal dia tidatau I am studying ba juga

Me' hahaha besala if parents they just know what we show them . other thing they don't know

Clara' anyway you knw ka i got read some novel about love story

Me' lol so many free time oh you. Then?

Clara' hahahah not really laba juga but yk they said love is beautiful and if it is hurt then that is not love. You think ?

Me' kalau sy la kan I think love is just like my mom and dad. Busy mcm mana sekali pun they will still stick tgt thru ups and down . I don really know it feels like but if love from parents I felt it frequently ahahahah

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