Then vs Now

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This is gonna be a imagine of Kobe and Monique When they were Younger Vs Now

January 10th Kobe Morris was born 2002

January 10th Monique Brown was born 2002

They were born in the same hospital *ima make one up*

*California's hospital*
Lmao I cant think of anything💀

Vanessa- There both so cute there gonna be best friends where there older

Ashley Monique mom- I hope so they were born 1 minute apart aww🥰


2 years later

Vanessa- Hopefully the babies start walking soon I can't wait there so cute

Ashley- I cant wait either!

Kobe- m-momma


Ashley- Omg my godson! he spoke

Kobe- m-mommy


*Kobe then crawled to her and drunk his bottle of milk*

Vanessa- Aww my baby spoke

"Ashley then picked up Monique and said this"

Baby can you say "momma" as well

Monique- M-Mommy


*then there dads came out of nowhere the dads are best friends and the moms are best friend's

*2004 November 5 the first time they spoke*

3 years later

Kobe- Monique are you hungwy

*they still have to talk babies well Kobe can't really talk that good at 5 but Monique speaks perfectly*

Monique- Yes let's go tell our mommies

Kobe- Kk

*they walked upstairs and told there moms they were hungry*

Vanessa- Ok we're coming!

Monique- Ok

Kobe- Mommy can we get chicken tendewers🥺

Monique- Yay chicken tenders!

Ashley- Yes well get it go downstairs and finish watching the movie babies

Kobe- Otay

Monique- Kk mommy

*they walked downstairs and sat down and watched the movie*

Kobe- Monique can I ask you someting

Monique- Sure

*there 5 btw*

Kobe- Are we gonna be friends foreva

Monique- Ofcourse your my best friend!

Kobe- Ok I wuv you

Monique- Aww I love you to

*she kissed his cheek* hehe

Kobe- Whyd you do that Bestie

Monique- Cause your my best friend in the whole wide world!

Kobe- Your mines to

*as Vanessa walked downstairs she heard that*

Vanessa- Aww there so cute I hope they stay friends forever*

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