"I'll never get used to that." She smiled watching the patterns dance.

I drew back, still smiling warmly too her when a blue face peaked out from behind her. I cocked my head at them.

She noticed my averted gaze "This is Kurt." She spoke .

The face spoke up, "Kurt, Wagner." She smiled. His thick German accent sticking out. As he looked at me and my, glow stick skin...

"Y/n Xavier." I spoke  smiling warmly to him.

"Y/n. Why don't you show Kurt around?" Hank asked.

I nodded, beckoning Kurt. He followed after me, and I began my tour.

"It's my first time in America. I am very excited to see your culture." Kurt smiles. And I nodded in return.

"well, you are not going to see it here. The only thing American about this place is that it used to be British." Scott spoke sarcastically as he took a spot in the lounge. On the couch.

I sighed "This is Scott. He's new here too."

Scott got up and off the couch "And I'm already up for a prison break. What do you say we take this blue guy on a little field trip? I'm sure there's a mall around here somewhere."

Kurt gave Scott a confused look "What's a mall?"

"What's a mall? Alright. Now it's a matter of national pride. - Civic duty."

Jean sighed "Scott."

"What? You've been cooped up here for a long time. You too y/n, And the Professor isn't even home."

Kurt added "I-I like to go to the mall." "Try it-" he nodded.

Scott smiled "Alright. Where does he keep his cars?"

"Im gonna stay, crowds really aren't my thing." I mumbled as they headed off.

I let out a deep sigh, making my way upstairs and into my room. Locking the door behind me. I sunk down against the door. Looking down at my hands and arms.

I had done my best in the last few years to avoid allowing my powers to show. The last time I did. I hurt... him.

My head sunk into my knees trying to forget. I soon sulked off to my bed. Turning my radio on. And just focusing on the music. Closing my eyes and laying an arm over my forehead. And just letting myself go.

.・゜-: :- Peters POV -: :-゜・.

"Lehnsherr was identified yesterday in this small town, in central Poland. Leaders from all communities are urging their citizens to remain calm as police and armed forces are mobilizing to find Lehnsherr before he can strike again. If anyone has information about Lehnsherr, or as he is also known as Magneto. Contact you local authorities immediately. And proceed with caution. - As he is considered extremely dangerous."

I could hear footsteps creeping up on me. I ran turning the tv to a different channel. And running over to my pac man.

"Peter." My mother's voice spoke behind me.

"What's up?" I replied focused on pac-man

"I'm just checking on you." She spoke.

"I'm good, playing Pac-Man." I replied avoiding looking at her.

My mom turned the tv back " Are you sure you weren't watching this?"

"The world was celebrating 10 years of peace between mutants and mankind." The tv chimed.

"You're going after him, aren't you?" She asked looking back to me.

"You wanted me to get out of the house more, right?" A spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"I can't stop you." She spoke "Nobody can. Trust me. This won't end well. Nothing does with him." She warned me.

"I'm not afraid of him." I spoke.

"You should be."


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