"You don't mean that! Isn't there anything we can do?" she asked raising her voice. Sakura looked at her calmly then at the ninja that surrounded the bed.

"Please assemble the items I request Immediately. It's quite a crude treatment, but it's the only option we have left" she said.
      "Hold him down firmly as this will be a very delicate operation." Sakura instructed, Chiyo continued looking on impressed by the skill she was showing.  The group held Kankuro down as the pinkette prepared the treatment. She pushed down on his chest as he shot up, this caught the group off guard. They quickly pushed him back down,

"Hold him down firmly!" Sakura repeated. Kankuro continued to cry out in pain but was unable to move much. Chiyo watched her eyes going wide as a dark liquid was extracted from the male's body,

"Say...Kakashi Sensei..." Naruto spoke, Chiyo looked over at the blond.

"Huh?" the older male said not looking away from his book.

"What kind of person was the White Fang from the Leaf that this old lady was talking abou?" Said woman turned her head towards Naruto.

"Well, that's hard to say" Kakashi looked over at him.

"Hm, let's see... Well, in a word... He was my father." Chiyo looked at him in shock as the old woman froze for a moment.

"Hey, you there... Are you the son of the White Fang?"


"But of course" the old man said,

"So that's why you look so much like him..."

"I'm not sure what's happening right now" Chiyo said,

"Neither am I" Midnight agreed with her.

"I directly extracted the toxin" Sakura said wiping sweat from her forehead.

"With this his life should no longer be in danger."

"Way to go Sakura!" Naruto entered the room, Chiyo stood in the doorway smiling. Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief as Temari leaned against the wall. She slid down the wall closing her eyes.

"But we still can't rest easy. I will now concoct an antidote for the traces of toxin that remain in his body." Sakura explained. Naruto watcher her silently.

"You're just like Slug Girl." The old woman commented,

"To think that a girl just like you would come here..."

"Yes...Lady Tsunade us my master. And besides I was told by my master to come here." The old woman looked away quiet,

"say sis...time is flowing by slowly, but it's flowing" the woman's brother said. 

"It's from the Hokage" one of the sand ninja said handing Kakashi a scroll, Naruto and Chiyo watched him look over it.

"What's it say?" Naruto asked,

"It says that Guy's squad has been sent as a reinforcement unit."

"I'll bet everyone has gotten stronger" Naruto smiled,

"they even said that Neji has becomd a Jonin. All Right! Now's no time for us to just be standing around!" he said.

"We should go after the Akatsuki right now!"

"Going after them now is fine. But do you know where they would have gone to" 

"he's right Naruto-kun, we have no idea where they took Gaara. If we rush into things we'll just be going in circles." Chiyo chimed in. Naruto stopped knowing they were right.

  "Kanuro has awoken" a ninja announced. The brunette opened hus eyes as Temari rushed to his side.

"You're back already...Temari...?" he asked his voice quiet.

  "Please lead me to the place where Kankuro fought" Kakashi said.

"I may not look it but I'm good at tracking" Kakashi continued.

"I'll come as well, Midnight and I could be helpful" Chiyo spoke. Kankuro began to sit up still in pain,

"my puppets...have all been recovered, haven't they?" he asked.

  "There were two of  them" Kankuro spoke,

"All you have to do us follow Gaara's scent" he explained. Chiyo looked over at Midnight who stood next to her hoping there was enough of a trace for them to follow.

"His smell is on that one" Kanuro pointed to one of his puppets. it's hand opened revealing a piece of cloth it had been holding. Chiyo picked up the cloth examining it for a moment before holding it out towards Midnight. The wold sniffed it nodding as a sign that she could pick up the scent.

"You did good" the black haired girl stood up,

"even if you lost you didn't go down without a fight" she complimented. Kankuro suddenly grabbed his side groaning in pain,

"Kankuro, are you alright?" his sister asked him rushing to his side once more.

"Y-yeah" the male looked towards Naruto.

  "Ah, he came all the way from the hidden Leaf Village for us." Temari told him,

"Naruto...Uzamaki...is it?" he asked. Kakashi put his hand to the ground summoning a group of dogs. One of the smaller ones, a pug by the looks of it, spotted Midnight.

"The more help we have, the better" Kakashi said. Midnight nodded as she prepared for whatever awaited them.

"Midnight, I want you to go with them and find out where they went" Chiyo instructed. The wolf nodded leaving with the pack of dogs.

  "Kankuro" the old woman walked in,

  "Granny Chiyo" the male said. The air became tense as Chiyo left the room to cool off.

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