Chapter 6 - A Date With Senpai And Help Request

Start from the beginning

When our orders had arrived, Senpai had sparkling eyes as she enjoyed the view of a beautiful slice of cake. I guessed she really wanted to taste it. I did not watch the television, so I didn't know what cake it was. Neither did I care about it.

Then, as if it was natural, the manager pulled a chair and sat with us on the same table. I did not really pay attention to her as I sipped a little of my orange juice. My mask was taken off since I wanted to drink and eat. The cracked spectacles were thrown away.

As expected, it's faintly sweet. Just how I prefer it.

"Even after all these years, I still wonder how you can drink the same juice every time you come here."

"'s one of my favorites."

"Yes, yes I know. So, what's the story this time?"

The manager asked me as she looked at me with a tender smile. She was one of the people who did not really care about the rumors around me. That was why, I did not wear my mask and spectacles around her. I still let my hair cover my face though.

"It's the same old thing. But, this time Kouhai-kun almost involve the police. He's the victim though."

"Ehh~. What did you get accused of to the point the police almost got roped in?"

"It seems like he was accused of stealing his classmate's stuffs. I don't really know the whole situation though. I arrived at the scene when things were heated by him."

"Bro, tell me. What happened?"

Just when I thought Senpai would explain, the manager turned her attention to me as Senpai mentioned that she didn't really know much. If I had to say something, Senpai just wanted me to take the pain of explaining while she enjoyed her cake. Well, fine. She helped me out, so it didn't hurt to return the favour.

"....just same old things. The girl's stuffs were gone. They found them in my desk. Accused me of stealing. Called to the staff's room. Slapped. Being scolded. The teachers did not believe me. Things solved because I had alibi. Then, we arrived here."

I would say this. I was not a really good storyteller if I didn't have the mood. Even when Senpai asked me to tell her about my past, I barely managed to explain it while having the difficult to do it.

Even so, the manager understood what I said. She nodded in return as she heard me. Just when I thought she would say something, she took Senpai's drink and drank it. While Senpai and I looked at her in surprise, she actually drank half of it before slamming the glass on the table angrily.

"...aahh~. I really want to have a smoke in my hand now."

"Nope, you have already quit it and I won't let you do it."

"Yeah, right. But, this is really irritating me."

The manager scratched her head grumpily as she complained. I handed her one of the candies I ordered for her to calm down. She took it and threw one inside her mouth. Perhaps, due to the sweet taste, her expression became softer. In the meantime, I unwrapped one lollipop and sucked it.

"Hey, Yozora. That damn teachers and classmates of yours, are they all idiots?"

"....can't say that though since they can think but not properly."

"That's what we call idiot. Geez, just thinking of how they just blamed you without investigating about it makes me mad. Aren't you angry though, Yozora? You're the victim."

Me? I wondered about it. I was not really angry about it. If anything, I felt annoyed and bad for causing trouble to Miss Minamoto and if this came to the other miss Minamoto's ears, I would probably not be returning home.

I Am Hated, Or So I Thought Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now