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Donny loves Belle. If someone were to ask Donny as to why she loved the girl, his response wouldn't be too clear. Maybe it wouldn't have made any sense. The feelings were too overwhelming to be spoken about so descriptively.

The words were constantly jumbled together, never once easy to say, process or swallow. Donny just understood the warmth, the fluffy fluttery feeling that always radiated in his chest with just the image of Belle in his mind. A never ending, indescribable sensation.

That's just it, isn't? Her love for Belle was never ending, infinite.

How could he ever unlove those gentle black eyes that stared at him so lovingly. Those eyes held value. Belle values Donny, platonic? Oh, how he wished (hoped) it wasn't.

And, how could Donny unlove Belle's pretty smile? He didn't, couldn't. He wouldn't ever want to unlove it, especially when he is the reason for her wide, gummy smile. The reason for his heart felt laugh, and just her... her.. her everything.

Donny wanted to be Belle's everything. He wanted to be the reason for her happiness, why? Because Belle was his happiness, his everything.
But, the one thing he never wanted to be the reason for was Belle's scowl, her sharp, furious, burning, frightening, ANGRY eyes. At this moment, however, he most definitely was and he didn't know why. And, if he stood closer, he might hear an animal like growl coming out through her gritting teeth.

It all started like this, a new student named Kisses.

A pretty girl. A very, very pretty girl actually. Donny never met anyone so angelic looking, well, besides Belle. Belle was a whole goddess in his eyes, but he'd never admit to that out loud.

What happened earlier, before his heart began pumping in fear due to an angry kitten, Donny was walking down the hall in the morning with his head down when he softly collided into a younger girl. And, when he lifted his head to apologize, he was met with soft, almond eyes that had him stuttering out his apology instead.

Was he blushing? Oh, he was definitely blushing from the girls soft smile. Donny may seem confident, but when he's around pretty girls, he screams in fear. Especially when those kind of girls have cute giggles like the one standing before her.

"It's okay, really. I should be the one apologizing for bumping into a handsome guy like yourself," the girl replied. She was confident, something Donny wasn't at the moment. He could practically feel his face flush in embarrassment towards the pretty strangers smile. The girls smile was really, really, really pretty. It wasn't helping his nerves at all.

"W-What's your name? I-I don't think I've seen you around before." The girl in front of him took a slow step closer with her hand extended in front of him. Her smile widening seeing Donny's doe eyes widen towards the sudden closeness.

"My names Kisses and I'm new to the school." Donny took in a deep breath while, secretly, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans before accepting the handshake with a less nervous like smile.

"I'm Donny," he responded. He couldn't stop his grin from widening towards Kisses, the girl had a friendly, contagious smile. And, seeing the girl cheeks turning a light shade of pink, he couldn't stop his voice from saying, "Since your new, would you like me to give you a tour around the school?"

What made him ask that? Well, the reason he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings previously was because a certain girl was flirting with another guy near the entrance of the school. Donny didn't know who the guy was or cared, all he cared about was the way Belle nonchalantly told him to meet her at the lockers because she was "busy" with some brainless football player.

The image of Belle twirling her hair around her finger as she fluttered her eyelashes towards the guy was very, well....hurtful.

Natural flirts, the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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