"Why in the hell would she ever, and I mean ever, help you two? All you ever did was destroy her and try and make her to be someone who wasn't her! And if she were to help you, it could very well kill her and our unborn child inside her. Don't you give a damn about life at all?"

I look at them and my mom just rolls her eyes and says,

"Of course we do, but she was just a mistake. I tried to get a abortion 3 times and they never worked. Now all she is good for is doing whatever we want, nothing else matters. She's just a spare for us to use when we need something to keep going."

My heart stops and shatters as I stare at her in disbelief, I knew she never loved me but for her to do all of that. It made me feel sick to my stomach in horror at just how cold this woman really was. In how easy she can just talk about trying to kill me in front of me while happily pregnant. I take a slight step back as a whimper passes my lips making Chase snap his head towards me. His face softens as he takes in how pale I had gotten, and the horror and pain that was probably on it. But neither of us saw my dad pull out a small pocket knife and leap at me seeing that I was Chases weakness. Most likely hoping that he would come to my aid so he can use it all as a distraction to get what he wants. It wasn't till I saw him right there in front of me that my eyes went wide and my heart thudded in my chest. But it was too late to try and get away or protect myself before he swung and next thing I knew blood was everywhere and I was falling to the floor in pain.

Blood was spilling everywhere and I look up and see my own dad standing over me holding the knife. He raised his hand and I covered my bleeding stomach in fear as I waited for the next blow. Only to hear a growl and bodies slamming into the ground, I snap my eyes open as my mom starts yelling and see Chase just beating the shit out of my dad. He had a look on his face that scared me, I never would have thought he could look the threatening or hold such a dark evil look on his face. He just kept punching him over and over again like he would never get tired. I wanted him to stop but I was frozen in fear, fear of all the blood I lost and how all of this is going to affect my baby girl and fear of what my husband had become. Luckily my front door opened and I see Jett come running in and pulls Chase off of my dad and my mom runs over to him and starts checking him over. And it still hurt that she cared about the man that just cut me open over me, but it didn't surprise me. Jett muttered something to Chase making him pull out his phone and call most likely the cops.

I close my eyes as I hugged my stomach and start sobbing in fear, fear I had lost my baby. I felt gentle hands rest on my face, and I open my eyes hoping to see my Chase, the calm and gentle one but I saw Jett. Who looked terrified and while disappointed I still felt comfort. He smiles shakily and asks,

"Is it ok if I pick you up and take you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up?"

I shook my head no but I lay my arms around his neck anyways as he carefully picks me up. I felt light headed as the blood loss and emotional distress was catching up to me. I was leaning against the wall as I was sat on the sink as Jett did the best he could to clean me up. I must have fallen asleep as the next thing I knew was waking up on the couch as Chase and Jett were trying to clean up all the blood on the floor. I try and sit up but the cut across my stomach tugs painfully making me whine softly. The boys heads snap up and Chase hurriedly makes his way over and helps me up and hugs me and whispers,

"Thank god you are ok, your both ok."

I just curl into his chest and start crying my heart out. But I freeze as I hear Jace cry out and start running towards me, I pull away from Chase and pull my son into my arms right as he reaches me. I try my best to soothe him the best I could, but it only starts to work when Chases arms come around the both of us.

After we got Jace calmed down and in bed for the night with Jett staying with him and as we lay in ours I couldn't help but feel off. Like something wasn't right with me, making me frown and rub my bulging stomach in worry. Suddenly it hit me, ever since Chase came home I haven't felt any movement inside of me. And it had been way too long for that to mean anything but bad news. I went to tell Chase I needed to get to the hospital when my whole stomach felt like it was being squeezed tightly. I gasp and grab his shirt and stutter out,

"Chase something isn't right, we really need to get to the hospital right now."

He froze before jumping into action and taking me to his truck and sitting me in the passenger seat and running back into the house to most likely tell Jett what was going on. I was in and out of alertness the whole way there and when we got there I was hit with a horrible feeling. I reach up behind me where Chase was pushing me in a wheelchair and grab his arm saying,

"Chase it feels empty, my stomach feels empty just like before. Oh god no not again, please not again."

I started breathing heavily as pure terror and horror made my mind go blank. Everything goes blurred as I couldn't calm down, I vaguely feel hands on my shoulders and someone right in front of me saying something but I couldn't focus enough to understand nor see who it was. All that I knew was I couldn't feel my baby, that I had lost my baby girl. That I can't go through this again, I can't lose another baby, I won't be able to go through that again. I get moved and placed on a bed as they hook me up with wires and people are running around the room but I didn't care. I was in nearly hysterical over the fact she was gone, that I had failed another one of my daughters. And I hear alarms going off before everything around me went silent and I knew no more.

Chasing ChampionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora