"Yachiru wants to speak with Yamamoto." Shion answered, cutting straight to the point as she closed her eyes and leant against the doorframe.

A deep frown set on the man's face as the words reached his ears. What a stupid idea, he thought. Yamamoto — the head of the militarised Shinigami squads, had been furious over Yachiru's departure.

Yachiru had been a promising student before she decided to abdicate to the human world, and had been streamed to be in Yamamoto's own unit. Never in his life did he imagine that she would continuously break the rules of Yomi. After her ten years of punishment, he had been willing to forgive her; after all, she had been a curious teenager.

But no.

It became apparent to the old man that Yachiru's curiosity was not something of a phase — it was a part of her nature. A nature that could not be tolerated within the strict rules of Yomi.

After a few moments, Kenichi responded "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"And why's that?!" Yachiru fumed. They needed the human world to be bombarded with Shinigami right now, the current situation was begging for divine intervention.

Kenichi gritted his teeth, calming himself down before continuing. "Yamamoto will not be happy to see you. You're banished, you left behind your duty as a Shinigami the moment you decided to choose the land of the living over Yomi."

"You think I don't understand that?" She almost yelled, her temper reaching almost boiling point. "Isn't it the duty of Shinigami to protect humans?! Why isn't the old man doing a thing to help?!"

"Because he believes human error is human responsibility." He responded calmly.

Her eyes widened as she took a step back; she couldn't argue with him.

Because he was right.

Humans and their use of cursed energy had become a growing problem for Shinigami. It meant more casualties, more chaos, and ultimately the current situation they had found themselves in.

"I don't care about the risks." She said, turning her back on her old caretaker. "Take me to Yomi."

As his eyes were met with her back, he realised something. The easygoing and generally happy Yachiru he had once known and taken care of was no longer present. Instead, he was faced with a determined woman with eyes that held fire like none other.

He took his sword out from it's scabbard, slashing the ground beneath him and looking her dead in the eyes, "Are you sure about this?" He asked her, a worried look plastering his face.

"I'm ready for anything." She responded.

"Yachiru, the seal on your back is going to hurt while you pass through to Yomi, and during the time you spend there. You'll have to endure it for a little while." Shion reminded, edging further towards the opening. "I'm coming with you. I'll stay on the outskirts in case I sense any trouble."

"Thank you, Shion." She said, giving her a warm smile as they both edged towards the opening. "And thank you too, Kenichi."

"We're all going together, I've only been here for a short while so they shouldn't have noticed my absence. Let's get going."

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