Happy Birthday

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The shuttles land back on Earth, bringing the crew of The Enterprise back home.

"Uhura!" Carolynn calls her friend and runs up to her.

"Where's the Captain? He's most likely to get into trouble." Uhura asks.

"Well, he believes he won't. No one would know. You know all those crap. Let's hope he doesn't." Carolynn shakes her head.

"Yeah. No other Captain would have risked so much. You've gotten a good man, Carolynn." Uhura smiles weakly.

Carolynn was about to reply when a voice stops her.

"You two talking about me?" Jim says.

"I'm not very sure." Uhura says making Carolynn laugh.

"Rude." Jim fakes offense.

"You're coming tonight, right?" Jim asks Uhura.

"Oh the party wouldn't be the same without me. Be there at 6." Uhura replies making Carolynn roll her eyes.

"Ugh. That. Why 6? I am asked to reach his place at 8 and it's my birthday fucking party." Carolynn says.

"Out of the all the people arranging stuff, that's Kirk, Spock, Sulu, McCoy, Scott and Chekov, who do you think is capable of making a celebration, THE CELEBRATION?" Uhura asks.

Carolynn's eyes widen. "Ooohkay. I'm sure it'll be good." She says as Uhura leaves for her apartment.

"Well. It's going to be fun." Jim says placing his arm in her waist.

"Please do clean your place, James. Your apartment smells of sex." Carolynn says.

"I think it smells of you. Which is absolutely beautiful." Jim says making Carolynn blush.

"As much as I'm up for flattery, I do not want any of our friends to see used condoms and sex toys lying around your apartment, James Kirk." Carolynn says and untangles herself.

"Aye, Captain." Jim says as he watches his girlfriend walk towards her apartment, shaking her head, probably smiling.


Location: Carolynn's Apartment

Carolynn is going through her closet to find something to wear. It is her Birthday Eve Party, which her boyfriend is hell-bent on hosting.

Her doorbell rings.

Carolynn opens the door to find a smiling Admiral Pike looking at her. A paper bag in his hand.

"Dad!" She shrieks and hugs her father.

"So, what is my aged daughter doing?" Pike asks walking into her apartment.

"Don't say that. I age, you age." She says rolling her eyes.

"So? Ready for the party?" Pike asks sitting down in the couch.

"Erm.. trying to figure out what to wear. I haven't gone shopping in ages, feels like." Carolynn grumbles.

"Ah. Daddy Pike comes to your rescue, then. I'm here to deliver these. Happy Birthday, Lyna. It's one day early, you aren't 24 yet, but you need them now." Pike says handing the bag to her daughter.

"It better be a dollhouse. I swear, dad. Anything other than a dollhouse, I'm not accepting!" Carolynn jokes and pulls the packet out.

A beautiful pink dress let's it's presence know.

"Dad. This is beautiful!" Carolynn smiles.

"Well, my daughter is beautiful." Pike shrugs making Carolynn laugh.

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