Part One

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This is not real.

            I let out a sigh as I open my eyes. I still can't seem to understand why after four years I'm still having dreams about...well, that day. I couldn't point out which is sadder either, me still having dreams about him, me knowing I'll be thinking about him all day long now, or me being actually happy that at the very least, I saw him again. Oh god, listen to yourself Jem, you're not sane.


            Have you ever watched those movies about those unrealistic romantic love stories where the lead couldn't forget his or her ex even after years? I mean, they even spend more time to get over the ex than their actual dating period. That just doesn't make any sense, right? I thought so too. Hahaha, jokes on me everyone. I'm almost at the end of the fourth year of not being able to get over that particular someone. Yes, I keep count. And what's worse is we never even dated. I know, I know, if we never dated then what's even there to make me stuck in the past? Beat me, I wish I knew too.

            So here I am, just minding my own business and go on about the days. Actually I am really glad that the restaurant was super busy today. I need something to keep me distracted. No this is not that kind of crazy obsession where I think about him every second and every day. Usually I even forget that he exists as long as no one mentioned his name and stuffs. But today, today is just one of those days where memories come flooding back and I would be missing the past and regretting my decision like crazy. No worries, it only lasts a day, or two at max. Honestly, I already accepted the fact that we would never happen. Even the chance of me meeting him again after all this time is slimmer than the possibility of earth being actually flat. Okay, that was an exaggeration but heck, we don't even live in the same country anymore. In a way, I understand that it's the should'ves and would'ves that keep pulling me back to square one. But if, and I said if, today someone told me they can grant me one wish and made it come true, my not-so-sane mind would be glad to throw everything away and go back to the days where I still had him in my life.

A Literal Trip Down the Memory LaneWhere stories live. Discover now