Summer day 9

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Jasmine: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Cole: sup

Dylan: yo

Ari: helloooooo

Barbara: hi

Jasmine: how's everyone

Barbara: good

Ari: I'm good thanks

Cole: good

Dylan: alright,how r u

Jasmine: I'm good 🙂

Matt: hey everyone

Cole: hi dad

Dylan: hi dad

Matt: hi boys

Cole: what's up

(I want to do something that's gonna be weird so Matthew Cole and Dylan's dad adopts me and I'm in the family and stuff)

Matt: so jasmine Ik ur life at home isn't as great and u got kicked out ur house ad ur living w Cole I was wondering if u want to be in our family I can adopt u

Jasmine; really

Matt; yes what do u say

Jasmine; yes thank you

Matt: no problem

Jasmine; does this mean Cole and Dylan are like my sibling now

Cole; I guess so

Dylan: yesss I've always wanted a little sister

Jasmine:I'm 14

Cole: still little haha

Jasmine: rude

Riverdale cast group chat

Cole: hi everyone

Casey; hi

Cole: I have news

Jasmine:I already know it

Cami: what's the news

Lili: tell us

Mads: tell us come on

Kj: Yh bro hurry up

Cole: my dad is gonna adopt jasmine so she's now mine and Dylan's "younger sister"

Kj; wow

Jasmine: 😊✨

Lili:Cole didn't u always want a little sister

Cole: yea I did me and Dylan always wanted sm1 we can protect

Jasmine: does this mean u can beat sm1 up

Cole: umm maybe idk but me and Dylan will protect u

Jasmine: Thxs I wish my friends did that

Cole: tell us about them

Jasmine: well lily,stabbed me in the back and Called me a phyco and toxic

Jemima,told me to kill myslef became suicidal

My ex boyfriend, I thought he loved me and he didn't he broke up w me and I was broken I couldn't stop self harming

Cole: oh I'm sorry

Jasmine; oh but there's more

Lili: there's more

Jasmine: yes, mollie called me toxic and was fat shaming me I then starved myslef so I looked atleast perfect

Cami: but ur not fat

Jasmine: thanks 😊

Mads: 😌

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