We need to talk

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~Wanda is 20 weeks pregnant~
I wake up to see if peter next to me. Our family took the pregnancy pretty well, they seemed pretty excited for our baby girl to come.'Were sleeping peaceful now but once the baby come I'm not sure if we'll be able to sleep at all'. I slowly get out of the bed not to wake up Peter, I walked to my closet to get my work out outfit.

 I slowly get out of the bed not to wake up Peter, I walked to my closet to get my work out outfit

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I walked into the kitchen to eat strawberries, I look up to see everyone looking at me."What?" I asked with my mouth full with strawberries."Nothing we just wanted to know where you were going" Tony said "What do you mean I'm going to do yoga"I responding not getting what they're asked me."Is it okay for you to yoga? you know since you're pregnant" Steve said "Yeah it's okay for me to do yoga. I just need somebody to help me get up. Peter does yoga with me but he needs to get more credit to graduate early. So will any of you be interested in doing yoga with me?"I asked I look over at nat who immediately got up "I'll do it" Nat started walking over to me "Ok let's go" I said as we walked to the elevator down to the gym.

~Time skip~

After me and Nat got done with yoga, I went back in my room to see Peter on the computer."Hey Peter, what you dooooing?" I asked "Well I'm trying to figure out if I want to go back to school or just continue online school" he said "Peter you should go back to school cuz I don't want to be in between you and seeing your friends. Before you say anything I have all the help I need here". I said sincerely "What if you need me while I'm not here" he look at me worried. "Peter me and Elizabeth will be fine. If they try to harm us I will just rip their bodies limb from limb, will be okay. Now let's go in the kitchen to get some snacks cuz you need a break and I'm hungry" I said as I grab his hand and lead him towards the kitchen.

We walk into the kitchen I grab cantaloupe while he's got chips. We walked into the living room to Tony and Natasha sitting there "Peter, Wanda we need to talk" Tony said "Ok" I said as we sat down nervously.

"So what are you going to do?" Nat asked "What do you mean?" Peter asks confused. "Like what are we going to do about the baby? are you going to move out or are you going to stay here at the Tower?" Nat asked. "Oh well I was thinking we could stay here. You know because Peter still have school and we're not eligible to buy a house and, I want the baby to know her grandparent, aunt and uncle" I said. "Ok we will have clear out a room for a nursery" Tony said "Thanks dad!"Peter said as he hug him.

Quote of today
"No matter how buried it gets, or lost you feel, you must promise, me that you will hold on to hope and keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish for you is to become hope. people need that."
-Peter Parker/ Spider-Man 🕷️

I just made the chapter just to tell you that they're not moving into a different house they're staying at the avenger Tower.

I am not sick anymore so I'm going to write the next chapter and actually make it good. anyway byeeee

Until next time my chicken nuggets

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