Chapter 11

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"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? " Loki asked he was genuinely concerned about his soulmate after what happened the night before

"Yeah I'll be fine don't worry I just don't know who died"  she mumbled he cupped her face and he wiped her tears

"I'm not good at the this whole uh comfort thing he explained but I know that whoever is gone isn't feeling that pain anymore"  he says

He placed a kiss on her forehead causing her to blush he smirked at her "did I just make Lennon Stark blush? " He joked

"Oh shut up let's just go " she says he smirked proudly

They started walking out and they met up with mobiius she had a soft spot for their therapist

"Okay love birds you two ready to go? "  Mobiius cheered he skipped over to his two friends happily

"I don't know how someone can be so happy"  she muttered Loki nudged her

"Let's head out"  mobiius beamed they time traveled to a nice lovely place called Pompeii

"Wow I would love to live here"  Lennon says Loki looked around okay guys "the volcano is gonna happen soon so we have to hurry up " he says

"How do you even know about this? " Lennon asked he smiled at his soulmate "how do you not? Don't you have mine control? " He asked

"I can control minds I can't tell the Future someone has to be a wizard go do that"  Lennon says

"You guys are weird just don't cause a scene"  mobiius says Loki snickered and he ran and jumped up

"Nothing matters"  he yelled he started to throw things happily as kids joined him

"Oh my god he had one job" mobiius mumbled

"Come on babe join me " Loki cheered Lennon shook her head and she joined him

"The world sucks"  she yelled mobiius snickered at them he hated to admit it but he liked having them around

"Responsibility is just a suggestion"  Loki yelled he threw things up in the air and the kids around him cheered

"Don't encourage it " mobiius says

"Man this is so much fun"  Lennon beamed she stared at the large volcano that blew up well we failed that mission Loki says

"Damn look at the mad expression on mobiius oh look he's marching over here abort mission"  Lennon says Loki jumped down

He held his arms up and she looked at him "come on I'm trying to show you affection"  he says he had a cute pout

She smiled softly and she jumped Into his arms he twirled her around and he kissed her first

Her eyes widen and he used his hand to close her eyes they really did kiss in front of a fucking volcano that was blowing up

"How romantic"  mobiius soothed he sat down to admire them and they both walked over to him

"We failed the mission"  Loki mumbled möbius smiled "that's okay YALL are so cute " he says Lennon titled her head

"Why does he sound like lighting McQueen?"She mumbled she blinked before she followed them...

During the night lennon walked around the hallways she was barely functioning

All of a sudden a woman in a Loki costume hit the stairs back and Lennon fell to the ground

"What the fuck"  Lennon hissed she did a backflip and the two stared

"Are you a Loki? " Lennon asked the blonde woman stared back and she used a stick

She hit Lennon in the face and she groaned in pain she tackled her and the Loki woman used something to knock her out....

Lennon sat up against the wall and she tripped the blonde she grunted and Lennon smirked

She used her powers to create a whip and she grabbed ahold of the blonde who struggled

"At least ask me out first" the blonde says Lennon snickered but she landed in another room

"What the fuck" Lennon yelled she out her hair up

"Oh god when will all of this be over? " She muttered

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