Chapter 6

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"Why are you showing us all this??"Loki asked his eyes were set on Lennon who dozed off of course

"Typical" he muttered she glared at him

"Because you two aren't so perfect" möbius explained Lennon snickered

" congratulations you want an award? " She asked

"Ahh the humor makes me laugh" möbius says she stayed silent and she played with her green hair

Loki looked down at the cube that fell and he grabbed Lennon she screamed and the TVA workers chased them down

"Split up " Loki ordered she huffed and she used her powers to open a door

"What is this feeling? " Loki mumbled he ran to a room and he found a guy sitting at a desk

"Hey you " Loki yelled the male flinched "what do you want"  he says

"Unhandcuff me or I'll feed you to the fish"  Loki threatened

"What's a fish? " The guy questioned Loki titled his head

Okay even he was confused by that

"You don't know what a fish is? " Loki asked the guy panicked and he shook his head no

"Just uncuff me " Loki says the guy grabbed the handcuff keys and he uncuffed them Loki ran and he slid under a door that was about to close

"Lennon? " He yelled he ran around the building and he was punchef her in the face

"Ow " he mumbled

He slowly sat up trying to process what happened and he groaned "my face"  he says the tva worker held him down

"Stay down"  she ordered Loki sighed and he remained on the ground

Meanwhile Lennon ran from tva workers and she jumped over a trash can She stared outside at the beautiful window at the galaxy

"Wait this doesn't feel right " she says

She felt somewhat a presence and she turned she immediately grabbed the trash can , can and she lifted her arm down

"Really? " She says the TVA workers stayed Put in complete shock

"Perks of being trained by the winter soldier" Lennon mumbled she put the can back onto the trash can and she found Loki

"Sorry I need to bother him"  she says Loki sighed in relief

"Where the hell did you go " he snapped

"You said split up so we did"  she says he sighed

He grabbed the tesseract and they found themselves back in the same room as before

"Wait there's more to this"  Loki says she stared at him

"Loki I don't think you should watch this"  she says he ignored her and he pressed play

It showed when Lennon turned to dust the stark girl could feel tears burn her eyes

"Who am I? " She questioned she was confused at this point

Loki faced the girl and his heart actually brown he kept watching and it showed Loki's neck being cracked by thanos

Lennon covered her eyes she honestly didn't know what was going on 

Loki started crying and möbius walked back in he froze when he saw the state they were in...

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