The Letter - Part 2 of The Breakup

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Aha, y'all seriously think I'd leave you with an "and I think you still love him too," did you? I'm not that evil, guys. So please enjoy this chapter and know that this is part of a five-part story.




Morrigan couldn't stop thinking about what Jupiter had said. She did still love Jack, but she'd gone and ended their relationship. She was living in her memories, her memories of Jack from before they started dating to the last day she saw him. It hurt. And she knew he was probably hurting too. It made her feel even worse.

Was it too late to fix it?

She missed the feeling of knowing that Jack would always be on her side, that no matter what, he was there and loved her for herself. She missed him.


He left at the end of the week with a heart ripped in two. Jack knew that love wasn't easy – he'd seen that first-hand with his parents when he was younger. He'd hoped his relationship with Morrigan wouldn't take the same turn his parents' had, yet it did. He had thought they had something special.

Apparently not special enough.

He knew it had gotten difficult. He knew that they barely got time to talk because of his studies. He hadn't wanted it to be this way, but the world chooses its path, and you have fit into it if you don't want to be squashed by it. Jack learnt that at an early age too.

Throughout his teen years, many others – girls and boys alike – had shown romantic interest in him. But he'd always declined, saying that he's not interested. Because he had his eyes on another. A feisty girl with long black hair and shiny black eyes that seemed to pierce through Jack's soul and question his entire existence. There was no doubting that Morrigan Crow had stolen his heart.

When they'd started officially dating, Jack felt like he was dreaming. He could finally hold her, hug her, kiss her and whisper his true feelings about her late at night as they crept out to be nothing more than what they were. He could tell her that he loved her, that he always would. And now, standing at a window early in the morning nearly a month after they broke up, he knew that he'd never get over her.

A day later, he got a letter. It was messily and hurriedly written, with tear stains all over and so much love and regret, that Jack didn't even need to look at the name of who sent it, or where it was sent from. He knew who had written it. Morrigan.

Dear Jack,

It's been a hard few weeks knowing you are no longer mine, but I wanted to check in and ask how you're doing?

I was wondering when you'd be coming back home again? Frank's planning another extravagant party for next weekend, and I was hoping we could attend it together? As friends or... maybe lovers once more?

I regret my decision. It seems foolish now. Things weren't working out as I had hoped they would, and I couldn't see through my stress and disappointment. But I'm sorry. I hope that you can forgive me, and we can move on from this, in whatever direction that may be – I'll be happy just to have you back in my life.

Please consider it.

Yours sincerely,


P.S. I never stopped loving you, and somehow I don't think I ever will.

Written: 13 July, 2021

Published: 14 July, 2021

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