The Breakup

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Morrigan sat on her floor, back against the door with tears still pouring down her face, although they had slowed. She had slid down the door as soon as she closed it, legs trembling and heart aching. Love was wonderful and blissful, but it was also difficult and messy. She still wasn't sure if she had made the right decision.

Morrigan and Jack had been dating for a year, but they hardly saw each other due to work, college, and school. At first, this was fine – a long-distance relationship may not have been what either wanted, but they'd make it work for each other.

But over time, it grew more difficult to make things work, and they barely spoke unless Jack was home from college. They both felt the distance growing between them, but neither seemed to know how to fix it.

That's why when Jack came home yesterday, Morrigan gave a swift, slightly stiff hug and murmured a forever tragic, "we need to talk."

Morrigan had broken down halfway through her speech because, well, Jack had been her first love, and he was all she had ever dreamed of, all she had ever wanted. He had held her when she needed to be held, been the shoulder for her to cry on, and don't even get her started about those mischievous eyes and devilish lips.

Jack had taken it well, the breakup speech. But Morrigan could see right through the tough exteriors he often put up. She could see how much it hurt him, and it broke her heart even more. When she ended her speech with a "we're better off friends..." and got up to leave his room, he solemnly nodded, rising to open the door for her and said, "I understand."

Morrigan hoped she made the right decision. No one had ever made her feel the way Jack made her feel... nothing had ever, and she doubted anything, or anyone ever would.

She spent the rest of the week in her room, hoping to avoid Jack, avoid the pain. Little did she know he was doing the same. He left at the end of the week, and Jupiter came to her room, questions clearly present, gleaming in his eyes.

Jupiter waited quietly, a sad look on his face as Morrigan told him what had happened, tears welling up and spilling from her eyes once more. She told him everything from the start of when she felt like things weren't working for them, to how she feels about it now – confused, guilty and heartbroken. When she finished, Jupiter enveloped her in a tight hug, tears threatening to fall from his own eyes. How had it come to this? They had been so happy together...

"He loves you, you know."

Morrigan couldn't reply; she didn't know how. Of course, she knew he had loved her, but then she'd gone and messed it up and ended it. How could he love her now? Even if she still loves him?

"And I think you still love him too."




And for our first chapter, something heartbreaking! Yay! I had this idea at 9:30 in the evening and ended up writing until 11. So much for an early night... but I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it was a little sad! Be sure to check out the next chapter; I swear the rest gets better. 

Written: 12 July, 2021

Published: 13 July, 2021

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