Chapter 9: Missing Something

Start from the beginning

   "Well- I- um... It's not that I don't like it... it's just... um." Your were wringing your hands as if you were trying to make words fall out of them.

   "Oh, I know what's wrong!" Yet again, Skipp came to your rescue. You sighed with relief, thanking goodness for that ball of sunshine.

   And that's when he pulled out a pair of thick boots.

   "It's missing shoes! These look like it'll fit."

    No! Noooooooooo! He was supposed to save your skin!! Literally!!!

   "Good call Skipp! Can't be a hobo without your hobo shoes, amirite?"

   No! She wasn't right! In fact, she couldn't be any more wrong. There was no way you were wearing something that could peel paint. This wasn't even a lesson! It was a trashy makeover. A "make-under" if you will.

   You could easily be a hobo without the disguise. Right? You were desperate to get out of this anyway you could.

   And that's why you took the risk of looking to Stone of all people, for help.

And there he was, standing away from the commotion. Looking as cold as ever...

Here goes nothing.

You stared daggers into him, looking desperate, and straining to send your plea for help telepathically. But all he gave you was a weird look.

Did you honestly think that he would help you? All you've ever done for him was distract the others or be an inconvenience. There was no in between. And now you were expecting him to save you?

But even still, you were scouring for something that wasn't there.

That did it.

Stone stormed towards his friends and snatched the clothes from them, only to shove them into your hands. The force of it almost pushed you over.

"Hey! What the-"

"Do you want to cause any more trouble for yourself? Yes or no."

His question was so sudden, it didn't give you time to really think.


"Then put this on."

The way he said it sounded like you didn't have much of a choice. But you just had to go ahead and be "you".

"But, where will I put my other clothes? I can't go home looking like this!"

"That's not my problem."

"Not anymore it's not!"

You both looked over at Skipp, who was holding a tattered potato sack above his head.

"Maybe you can use this. We'll make sure your rich-people clothes are all nice and safe in here."

Well, it was better than nothing. And you definitely didn't feel like poking the blue-haired bear anymore than you already have.

After a minute of hardcore contemplation, you forced yourself to suck it up and find a place to change in.

You spotted a small building with a busted window right across from you. That could work.

Thus started your prolonged pilgrimage to the crooked shack. The window seemed big enough for you to scuttle through. And scuttle you did. You felt the trio's eyes on you as you "gracefully" tumbled to the floor.

"Aw jeez." Vinnie was starting to wonder why she actually agreed to this. She pinched the bridge of her nose as she heard a loud "I'm okay!" from the window.

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