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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 804: Computer theft
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Cao Chuanxiang was a little bit busy just after the son took it. She had to take two daughters to elementary school, take her younger son to kindergarten, and commute to and from work three times. Zhang Pei also sympathized with her and allowed her to Late and leave early.

However, for today's unloading work, Liu Ye specially held a mobilization meeting in advance, emphasizing that everyone must work overtime. Cao Chuanxiang was embarrassed to trouble Zhang Pei's mother and daughter. Fortunately, the overtime hours were on Saturday. The children did not need to go to school. The sensible elder daughter (10 years old) takes care of her younger brother. The night before, she waited until her three children were asleep before taking a taxi to the company to work overtime with everyone. The cost of the taxi was reimbursable.

She just called her eldest daughter (the child used her old cell phone) and asked her about her family. The little girl vowed vowedly that everything was okay, so she was relieved.

Because of this call, she just missed Yu Zhan asking everyone about breakfast. When she finished talking on the phone, everyone ordered the meal. She was embarrassed to ask Yu Zhan to eat. I did not expect Yu Zhan to be so careful and remember her.

Cao Chuanxiang thought of Zhang Pei's mother and daughter taking care of herself during this time, and thought of Yu Zhan's respect for herself, and her eyes were wet. Her husband died because of Liu Chengyu, but she was reborn with the help of Liu Chengyu's relatives. In fact, they had no obligation to help at all. Cao Chuanxiang even felt that his current life was tiring, but compared with the previous dependence on her husband and mother-in-law, the life of turning around three children at home was much more fulfilling.

I did n’t wait for Cao Chuanxiang to respond to what Yu Zhan was going to eat, Liu Ye called her, "Sister Cao, come here."

Cao Chuanxiang hurried over.

Liu Ying said to her, "You get off work now."

"But there are still three trucks ..."

"It's okay, you've been busy all night and can go to work." Liu Ye also considered Cao Chuanxiang's 3 children. In fact, after the overtime mobilization meeting, she found Cao Chuanxiang alone, allowing her not to work overtime, but Cao Chuanxiang strongly requested Overtime, she said that she didn't want to engage in special situations and was afraid of other colleagues' opinions. She also said that her eldest daughter could help her share the housework at home.

A 10-year-old girl in the ancient times really can handle affairs. Liu Ye took this into consideration and followed Cao Chuanxiang's wishes. After all, he worked hard and had three children to feed. Cao Chuanxiang had to make more money.

Now that Cao Chuanxiang has worked, Liu Ye feels that it is enough, and the children have to eat during the day, so the eldest daughter cannot be cooked. She said, "I let Yu Zhan take you to the subway station, and you and Yu Zhan just happened Let's buy the children's breakfast together. "

嫚 Liu Ying was very thoughtful. Cao Chuanxiang didn't even have a reason to refuse. Besides, she was stupid and just said "thank you" all the time.

As a result, everyone saw Cao Chuanxiang getting into Yu Zhan ’s car. They did n’t know what was going on, and they did n’t dare to ask. They all thought that Yu Zhan couldn't get breakfast by himself, and asked Cao Chuanxiang to go with him to help? !!

I ended up with Yu Zhan who came back alone and brought a cart of breakfast. Everyone breakfasted and whispered where Cao Chuanxiang went. One morning until the end of overtime, Cao Chuanxiang never appeared.

佩 Zhang Pei and Peter's work is advancing faster because the warehouse space is large and there are not so many restrictions on the placement of goods, and Zhang Pei employs a lot of temporary workers in County A. Around eleven o'clock, Zhang Pei drove Peter and Mao Yuchen back to the company. Everyone can have lunch together at noon. In the afternoon, they still have to be busy. New products are on the shelves. Liu Ye has to take advantage of the live broadcast to promote sales-that is, a doll marketing plan in cooperation with Luo Youyou.

So she really has no time to control Wang Zhihua and Liu Chengyu.

第一 The first thing Peter returned was to go to Liu's office to get his laptop. He received a call from a European agent in the morning and needed to pass a document.

Liu Ye's office was not locked. Peter pushed in and saw only the empty desk. He thought that Liu Ye had transferred his computer to Zhang Pei's office, because he usually worked in Zhang Pei's office. Last night was an exception. Zhang Peiren was in County A. Her office was locked, so he put it at Liu Ye's side.

He went to Zhang Pei's office again. Zhang Pei just came in and was sorting out documents. "Have you seen my laptop?"

"No," Zhang Peibi wondered. "Have you put my computer here?"

Peter already had an ominous hunch at this time. He looked dignified, turned and walked downstairs. Zhang Pei felt wrong when he saw this, and quickly followed him. Liu Ye and Yu Zhan were in the warehouse downstairs.

Peter walked to the two of them and asked Liu Ye if he had stowed his computer.

没有 "No, I haven't touched you," Liu Ye was so busy last night that Liu Ye didn't even notice Peter's laptop.

Zhang Pei was more anxious than Peter and said to Liu Yan, "Think again, who has entered your office."

At this point, they all realized that Peter's laptop might have been stolen. Liu Yanmei, when she and her mother were in the company, they often forgot to lock the office door. They trusted their employees ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The company's security is also very strict. Since the company was founded, it has never lost anything. .

But today is an exception. From early in the morning, the company's doors are open to let the trucks enter and leave the yard freely, and everyone is busy in and out. It is impossible for security guards to keep an eye on everyone and monitor whether outsiders come in. Liu Ye felt as though he had closed the office door at first, but she ran away from both the warehouse and the office. She did not remember when she forgot to lock the door again, which caused such a disaster. She felt that this matter was more terrible to her than Liu Chengyu's dragging Wang Zhihua.

She is very blame and very anxious! His face was embarrassing.

"Don't worry, let's adjust the monitoring records first," Yu Zhan put her hand on Liu Yi's shoulder to appease her, and said to Peter, "Your computer should have a password."

Peter nodded. "With a password, other people can't open it when they get the computer, but the files inside are important to me." Peter doesn't worry about the leakage of industry secrets, just because someone who steals things will destroy his files. Peter was born in a big family. What kind of storms and waves have you seen before? He was relatively calm, and in turn told Zhang Pei not to panic.

But Zhang Pei couldn't help panic! The value of Peter's computer is inestimable, and they are lost under their eyes. They have an inescapable responsibility, especially when Liu Chengyu and the Wang family harmed their reputation, and this happened again, for their cause, It's just worse. If Peter interrupts the cooperation with them in a fit of anger, they have no way to do it, and they may have to compensate Peter for the huge loss.

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