Murder Capital of the World

Start from the beginning

The leader flirts with a young blonde girl causing her boyfriend to become jealous. They get into a spar but before the leader can do anything he's pulled backwards and a police baton is held against his throat.

"I told you to stay off the boardwalk," A semi-heavy security guard states.

"Okay boys, let's go," the leader says calmly with a smirk, and the four of them leave.

Then the guard turned to the other kids, "You too, off the boardwalk."

Later after the boardwalk has closed down the security guard is walking to his car. He hears something and is then being chased by something flying, he tries to get in his car, but it's locked. He is then attacked and all what can be heard is his screams.

Eight-year old, Stacy Emerson was sitting in the back of the car with her older brother, Michael, while her other brother, Sam, sat up front with their mother, Lucy. Stacy was sitting on the right side in the back, while Michael was sitting in between Stacy and her tabby cat, Gracie, who was sleeping on her owner's lap and Sam's dog, Nanook.

 Stacy was sitting on the right side in the back, while Michael was sitting in between Stacy and her tabby cat, Gracie, who was sleeping on her owner's lap and Sam's dog, Nanook

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While Stacy was happily looking out the window at all of the sights, Michael and Sam were arguing with their mother over what song to play on the radio.

"Keep going," Sam said to her.

"Hey, I like that song," Lucy replied.

"Keep going, Mom," Sam said. He turned it again, and it went to a classical station.

"Oh, how about this?" Mom asked.

"Hang on," Michael said, leaning forward from the backseat, and changing the channel.

"I don't see any bogeyman or nasty guy," said the man on the radio.

"Pretty cool, Mom, you know. You wanna switch the dial?" Michael asked.

Lucy changed it and Blues music begins playing.

"Oh, this jams." Sam said, sarcastically.

"Quite right." Michael agreed.

"Gosh, you guys are rough," Lucy said to her sons, she changed the channel.

"His pain, discomfort, manipulation—" the announcer said.

"No, no." Sam said, changing the channel again. Groovin', by The Rascals began playing.

"Oh no." Michael said.

"Oh!" Mom exclaimed. Michael and Sam looked at each other.

"Keep going," the brothers said unison.

"Oh wait, wait, this is from my era," Lucy said and sung along, "Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon."

"Keep going!" the brothers chanted.

"Keep going, okay," their mom said, and changed the channel.

"Hey, we're almost there," Lucy informs her children when the Santa Carla sign came into view.

"Woo-hoo, Santa Carla!" Stacy cried out sticking her head out the window and waking up Gracie in the process. Lucy chuckled at her youngest child's excitement.

"Mom, what's that smell?" Sam asked.

Lucy took a deep breath. "Ah, that's the ocean air," she answered.

"It smells like someone died," Sam complains.

"Aw, honey. Look, guys, I know the last year hasn't been easy, but I think you're really gonna like living in Santa Carla," their mom said.

But when they passed the sign Michael looked back and saw big red letters on the back of the sign that said: MURDER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, as the song People Are Strange by Echo and the Bunnymen begins playing.

Well that sure is a nice way to welcome us. Michael thought to himself.

When Lucy Emerson divorced her husband after too many fights, financial troubles soon followed, so Lucy packed up and took her two sons and her daughter with her and moved from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her widowed father in Santa Carla, California.

After a few minutes later they stopped into town, since their mom needed to get a few things before going to Grandpa's house, including gas, and she wanted to get something to eat for her children and herself. Stacy got out of the car carrying Gracie in her arms. While Sam went to take a look around with Nanook, Stacy decided to do the same too with Gracie, but didn't go too far from her mom and Michael.

When Stacy sees an amusement park that's close to the beach, her face lit up with excitement. She then saw Sam and Nanook running back, so Stacy ran towards them.

"Sammy, Sammy!" Stacy exclaimed, "Did you see all of those rides over by the beach?"

"Yeah, I saw them too!" Sam told his little sister. "How about we go check it out later tonight?"

"Yeah!" Stacy nodded excitedly.

They then ran back over to the car where their mom was close to a food stand and getting gas.

"Mom," Sam said.

"Yeah?" Lucy answered.

"Mom, there's an amusement park right on the beach," Sam said excitedly.

Lucy smiled at her youngest son before looking at a couple of kids who were picking trash from a dumpster to find something to eat. "Sam, tell those kids to get something to eat," she said pointing to them and handed him some money.

As Sam went over to the kids, Stacy went over to where Michael was talking to a man.

"Is there any jobs around here?" Michael asked.

"Nothing legal," the man answered.

Stacy frowned, "Work is illegal here?"

Michael, who heard his little sister, chuckled, "No, he just meant no good jobs are available."

Stacy then smiled, "Oh, okay."

They then saw Sam telling the two teens to get something to eat. As they were looking they noticed a lot of missing posters too, which frightened Stacy a little.

Later after getting lunch, they all got back into the car, except for Michael, who decided to ride his motorcycle the rest of the way to Grandpa's house, which was only a few more miles away.

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