Dallas looked over at Jason, trying to see if he approved of the boy or not. Soda jumped down off the ladder, and held out his hand for Jason to shake. "Hi!" Soda greeted. "Nice to meet ya! I'm Sodapop Curtis."

"Nice- Nice to m-meet you too!" Jason stuttered, with the same enthusiastic voice. He grabbed his hand and shook it.

It was now Two-Bit's turn to introduce himself. "Hi-ya, kid. I'm Two-Bit. Two-Bit Mathews!" 

Jason nodded. "Hi!. I-I-I'm Jason- Jason Wells."

Two furrowed his eyebrows. "Jason Jason?"

"What's wrong with that kid?" Dallas added bluntly, not caring if the boy heard or not.

Jason tried to start again. "S-Sorry. My name is Jason- BEEP BEEP!"

I jumped back a little from the sudden noise, but that was nothing compared to the rest of the gang.

Darry grabbed a metal spoon from out of his apron like a weapon, Dallas got his switchblade out while Johnny grabbed my arm and yanked me back, behind him for my protection. Two-Bit and Steve automatically jumped behind Darry, and Soda found an old newspaper to roll up and carry like a sword to defend himself. All this happened in the span of three seconds or less.

"Gloria, guys!" I yell out, before any damage could be done. "Jason has Tourette's!" When I said this, I heard Johnny mumble to himself, 'Oh, yeah'.

"What the fuck is that?" Dallas asked, with a repulsed look on his face. "Some kind of eating disorder?!"

Darry immediately dropped his spoon, and smiled at Jason. "Oh, well I'm glad to see you're handling it well."

I wanted to slap my forehead. They obviously weren't handling it well. To my surprise, Jason wasn't offended at all. He just chuckled and nodded his head.

A few minutes later, Ponyboy arrived with the chips and snacks from the store. "Nice to see ya, man." He greeted.

"You- you too, Pony!" Jason beamed, and they did a little fist bump.

At 9:30, all the greasers started coming in, and finally when Grace came, the party started.

She was wearing a red flannel to match her hair, and tight jeans to show her curves. She wasn't wearing any make-up either (not like she needed it anyway), but wore small, silver hoop earrings. I barely recognized her.

"Johnny! How ya been?" She greeted Johnny coming in the front door, giving him a tight hug. "How ya been?"

Johnny returned the hug and smiled, sheepishly. "Good. Glad to see you."

"I can say the same." I welcomed, butting in the conversation. The minute she saw me, her smile grew wider.

"Hey, Tru!" she called. "I haven't seen you in what seems like forever."

Right then, Soda came walking up. He started straightening his flannel so it wasn't wrinkled before he entered the group.

"Tru? Johnny? Who is this fine-lookin' lady?" Soda asked in a silly voice, all while giving his movie-star smile. Grace and him both locked eyes, and didn't break their gaze.

"She's-" I start, but got interrupted by Grace, herself.

"I'm Grace Shirley Harper." She added in the same dorky voice as Soda. "But you can call me Grace."

"Well, I'll be!" Soda beamed, still ignoring Johnny and I like we weren't even there. "I'm Sodapop Patrick Curtis! I guess I gotta call you 'Shirley Temple' now, to match!"

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