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Sophie's pov:
The moment I step into the shower I hear a loud knock on the door outside. Yet I don't pay it that much mind since my guess is that Derek might has contacted the lobby for our breakfast order already. So without any thought about that, i simply start the shower to quickly clean my body as well as wake myself up fully. Like always the water falling onto my head clears my thoughts. The memory of Derek's lips on mine shot straight away into my heart. It's strange how much I trust him already! Especially since I usually don't trust anyone at all! Yet Derek had no problem of shooting my protective walls down in no time at all. The even stranger thing is though, that I can't get myself to regret letting him in. He is so caring and loving towards me ever since he first locked eyes with me back at the police station. Alone the way he right away knew how to help me calm down as I talked with Spencer just a bit earlier is incredible. No one ever was able to do that! Except for Spencer, I mean, obviously my brother is the exception to everything!
Quickly shaking my head at myself. I shouldn't be thinking like that. At least not now. Not while the man running through my mind non stop is waiting just behind this very door for me to get back out so we can eat breakfast together. So after I hose myself free from the shampoo as well as my body foam, the amazing smell from the body wash still surrounding me as I turn the shower off and step out of it.
After hurriedly drying myself and putting my still wet hair into a loose braid, I open the small bag Spencer always has packed in his go bag. He truly is an incredible brother. Truth be told, we both hoped that a situation like the one we are currently in will never accur, yet he made sure he was prepared for it. My fingers softly glide over my undergarment along with two shirts of mine. Appreciating my big brothers thoughtfulness more and more. Alone the thought about him brings tears to my eyes. Quickly I wipe them away, not wanting to cry once again. And definitely not now since I will be Skyping with him in only a few minutes and I don't want him to see my blotched face from crying. He already sounded extremely worried as we spoke earlier, so no way am I going to worry him even further! I mean, he is the one currently laying in the hospital! So I should be the worried one, Not the other way around! Spencer after all is the only family I have!!!
After a few more deep and relaxing breaths, I dress myself and get out of the bathroom. Instead of seeing just Derek there though, there also is Emily. Watching me with curiosity as well as questioningly. Not feeling confident enough, nor liking her intensive stare on me, I try to curl into myself the best I can. Derek, who seemingly realized that my anxiety is slowly starting to rise, simply pulls me down next to his sitting form on the bed.
„Emily just came to see how you were doing today. No need to get so worked up Sophie." he softly explains. The fact that he said my name this time, makes me flinch inside. I have gotten so used to him calling me love, so it definitely has a sour taste to it.
„Morgan is right. I only meant to check up on you before heading out with the others to see if there are some new developments around the unsub." Emily says as if she is talking to a small scared child instead of a fully grown human being. Guess I however look way more scared than I wanted to lead on. That much to being a good actress I guess...
„So there is still no lead on that idiot?" Derek wants to know. Sounding pretty pissed at that fact I might add. The look Emily sends him afterwards lets me know that he usually isn't acting like that at all. At least not in front of a civilian that I obviously am.
„At least none I know till now." she reply's irritated.
„But as I just said, there might be some new leads back at the police station." she adds after shaking her head slightly.
„Any news on Spencer?" I timidly question. Sure I did talk with him, but only a very short time and knowing him, he wouldn't tell me if he wasn't doing good. Emily's interest and uncertainty seems to rise at my question. Making my nerves raise more and more too. Maybe I shouldn't of asked....but than I really want to know how my brother is doing! Derek clears his throat rather forcefully, as he scoots a bit foreword so he is now fully shielding me from Emily's eye sight. Making me breath slightly easier.
„Hotch has called him as well as talked with the doctors before I got here, apparently he is stable and doing pretty good considering his injury's. Telling the doctors that he is perfectly good to leave already. So Typical Reid I would say." she than reply's. It's pretty clear to hear that she knows that there is something going on here, but I don't think she fully knows what exactly is between Spencer and I. At least I think so. Otherwise she surely would simply state her assumption. That at least is how I consider her to be.
„That's Good. If you hear anything, please call me right away. With both topics." Derek sighs out in relief as well as asks softly.
„Of Course. And I am expecting an explanation on what is going on here by the time I get back." Emily states matter of factly and leaves the room after one more intense look towards me. The second the door falls shut I am pulled into a tight hug. Derek's strong and slowly familiar getting smell engulfs me and makes me feel safe.
„It's ok love! Take some deep breaths. Everything is perfectly fine." he keeps on whispering into my hair as I carefully climb on his lap. His steady heartbeat along with his soothing words help immensely.
„How about we Call your Brother? I am sure he is already impatiently waiting to hear from you." he asks after five more minutes of simply cuddling. My head automatically nods in reply, really wanting to see and hear my brother!

Spencer Reid's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now