The Plan

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Chapter 1


Regina's POV

Everyone was sitting in my living room, trying to figure out this situation with my so called Sister. I didn't have any other sister, i did learn from my mother that I was a twin. but that's the only sister I had. This was getting out of hand, Zelena was trying to take Snows baby and kill me.

" Regina what are we going to do?" Snow broke the silence in the room

"I'm not letting Zelena Take our baby" Charming spoke up

" Regina you need to handle this, this is your sister" Emma finished

" Everyone just shut up" I yelled, they were being very annoying

" look I don't know what to do, and we dont know if shes really my sister" I explained

" Why would she lie?" Snow asked

" I dont think we can stop her, if the crocodile said she was powerful, then there's no way Regina is going to stop her." Hook stated, I knew he was right but hearing him say my Zelena is more powerful then me, it was just pissing me of.

" Mom i know you can do it" Henry spoke up, guessing he sensed my rising anger

" Look all I'm saying is that maybe you'll need help in this fight" Hook elaborated

I knew I needed help, and I knew just who to call. My sister Regine, when I first found her we realized that we were more powerful together. I'm guessing that I would have a better chance at beating Zelena with Regine on my side. So that's was just the person I was going to see, plus shes my twin of course she would agree.

" Your right, and I know just the person to call, to ask for help" I replied now standing up. No one knows that I was a fraternal twin sister. I dont think Zelena knows either.

" Who?" Charming asked

" My REAL sister" I simply stated and then started walking away

" Wait you have another sister?" They all asked

but before I answered I transported to where my sister was. I saw that I was in her thrown room.

" Sister?" I Yelled

The a puff of red smoak appeared in front of me, and revealed my sister standing right there smiling at me.

" Hello sister long time no see" Reigne, just smiled at her and the hugged her

" Indeed, But I need you help" I went straight to the point

" As expected, your visits are never trouble free" She stated

" now whats the problem"

" there's this woman that claims to be my sister." I explained

" That happened to you too?"

" What Zelena came to you too?" I asked

" I don't know who Zelena is but a women named Marina claimed the same thing"

" This is wired, and Zelena is the Wicked witch, that's why i need your help" I explained

" well Marina is The White Queen, we dont have to worry about her, and of course I will help you"

" Wait, The White Queen, well that's surprising, and at least shes not evil, or should I say Wicked" I joked at the last part.

" Yeah she known for her kindness, but there are warnings not to get on her bad side, so lets not even cross that line." She stated, I just nodded my head in agreement

" All right well I'm glad you agreed, because now be can beat this woman." I started

" She will never see it coming" The both of us laughed

" Alright lets go over the plan" I told her, and she agreed.


3rd POV

little did the two sisters know Zelena was listening in on there conversation and was ready for their 'Surprise' during this fight. She was going to be ready with the help of her older sister Marina .

"There so stupid Rina" Zelena said to her sister as she walked away from the crystal she was watching her sister through.

" They really are Zel, I don't understand why they don't believe us" Marina replied

" Because there constantly in denial" Zelena scoffed

" With you on my side I could destroy story broke, do they have no idea how powerful you are sister?" Zelena started

" well I always tried to stay kind after all, so I never wanted anyone to know how much power I hold, plus it would be a nice surprise" Marina answered shrugging her shoulders which cause Zelena to chuckle

" Indeed it would, your more powerful then the Dark one, the Savior, and Merlin put together. To bad you dont like to use your powers" Zelena mumbled the last part

" Sister, if i need to use my magic I will, I wont let anything happen to you, and if the decide to over power you then I can come to your rescue" Marina started

" Look I dont like using my magic, but I'm wont allow my sisters to kill each other." Marina tried to reassure Zelena

" Well thank you sister, I would probably be able to stop Regina myself, we just have to get Reigne out the way." Zelena said trying to come up with a plan

" Well that's easy" Marina simply stated

" How so" Zelena asked clearly curious now

" Zelena why are your trying to destroy our baby sister right now" Marina hinted

" Well she got everything I didn't, Mom kept her and everybody picked her, but you already know this the same thing happened to you, how could this.... OHHHHH" Zelena finally figured out what her sister was trying to say

" Reigne went through the same thing" Zelena stated

" Indeed, even though they were twins Regina got everything" Marina explained

" And its worse for Reigne because they were twins" Zelena continued

" precisely, The feeling of abandonment can be quite over powering, which could lead to some one wanting revenge, No offense" Marina finished

" Non Taken" Zelena said starting to head out the room

" Lets go we have a fight to start" Zelena announced

" Wait, Before you go, you should know that I'm fully on your side but please to kill our baby sister." Marina stated

" I won't, I just want to scare her, Show her what I'm capable of, Just make her suffer a little" Zelena reassured her older sister

" Oh then... Lets go" Marina said as they both headed out to get ready for the fight.

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