Twilight Escapes/Pony Bark

Beginne am Anfang

"I said move along! NOW!" The now furious guard roared as he pointed his weapon at her. Now scared Twilight reluctantly steered the cart around back, her hope of going home dwindling. Back into the cold night she went, as she guided Leatherhead to head into the dark village beneath the mountain side.

It seems almost everyone was a sleep in town as there were hardly any lights on at this moment. But there were a few people lingering and some pubs were still open.

"Let's hope we can find help here Rarity."  Twilight spoke as she hopped off the cart. Stepping down on to the cobble street with Rarity in tow to see if anyone could be of assistance to the lost princess. 

Though it seems that help, wouldn't be coming as Madam Aria stepped out of the pub laughing with a crowd of people from within. But her laughing halted as she spotted Twilight, not realizing it was actually the princess. But instead her worker. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I beg your pardon?" Twilight asked aghast from Aria's tone. The said seamstress sneered and snatched Twilights wrist.

"Not another word. Your coming with me." Aria tugged Twilights arm. With shock from the harsh treatment, the lost princess gasped as she was pulled down the street. Rairty quickly following behind worried for her Princess's safety.

The short walk had them walking right in front of Madam Aria's shop. The owner opened the door with a bang, which scared the only other worker at the moment, Fluttershy. The shy yellow toned girl saw a glare on her bosses face.

"Not done yet?" Aria accused, "You good for nothing lazy cow, those dresses should have been long finished." Fluttershy looked down sadly, trying to avoid the insults. Twilight was anything but pleased at the mistreatment.

"How dare you speak to that way?" She asked with her own harsh glare directed Madam Aria, who was shocked to hear that.

"How- How dare I?" Aria stuttered trying to find her words, "How dare I?  And just who do you think you are huh?"

Twilight removed her cloth to reveal her true identity, "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Aria just busted out laughing and gave her a look that asked 'are you serious?'. The madam calmed down from her laughter to give a condescending smirk "Aren't you a hoot? You gotta do a lot more than fancy makeup to fool me. Me and the real Princess are the best of friends." Now it was Twilights turn to give a condensing smile at Aria's statement.

 "Oh really?" her smirk was quickly wiped off as Aria got into her face. 

"Now shut up and get back to work." The boutique owner walked around the shocked princess and towards the door. Twilight spun around with anger on her face now.

"I am warning you," Twilight apprised, "If you continue to treat your own seamstress this way, we will take our royal business' else where." Fluttershy was shocked at such a bold statement and she wasn't the only one.

"Your warning me," Aria scowled, "That attitude better change when you are finished with every single dress, Sunset Shimmer." One last glare Madam Aria slammed the door shut.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight whispered to herself pondering if that is who she was mistaken for. But didn't have time to dwell as she heard the door locked. She quickly ran to the door to try and open but it seems she was trapped once again.

"Well this is just wonderful." Twilight sighed sarcastically.

"Sunset Shimmer?" A meek voice whispered. "That is you right?" Twilight turned to see Fluttershy was looking at the princess with a funny face trying to decipher if it was her friend or not. The purple toned girl smiled gently, looks like she has a lot of explaining to do. But at least now she had a kind presence in her midst.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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