The Beacon

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Name: The Beacon

Date of Birth: sometime in the Old Republic

Age: unknown

Gender: female

Species: Force Wielder/Ghost

Home Planet: unknown

Sexuality: n/a


Voiceclaim: Natalie Dormer

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Voiceclaim: Natalie Dormer


- Jedi knight (in life)

- Force wielder/force ghost (after death)


- A blue lightsaber (in life)

Jedi Master: Bastila Shan

Lightsaber form: Form 6

Backstory: Before becoming the force spirit known as the Beacon, Aveira Kiarthis was a force sensitive human female and a jedi knight in the old republic. She was padawan to Bastila Shan and passed her trials with flying colors. As a knight Aveira studied as a consular and sought out the will of the force. This one day led her to a mission to the Wellspring of Life. There she met the Force Priestesses, who taught her a way to live on as a spirit after death. 

No, Qui Gon Jinn wasn't the first to know the secret to eternal consciousness. He was the first known, but the first ever was Aveira. 

A year after she completed her trials, Aveira went on a mission to an unknown planet, where she was tragically killed by a sith lord, most likely Darth Malak. After her death, she was made a force spirit, and an entity like Bendu or the Presence. She was renamed the Beacon, as she would guide many jedi on their journey, most notably Jedi Master Kendall Chance, a few thousand years later.


- "I go by many names. But you may simply call me the Beacon."

Theme Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons

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