Loki- If You Love Her

Start from the beginning


He let more tears come freely now. He had dreaded this day for months now. He slammed his fist against his closet door angrily, cursing himself as it dented. He turned and slumped against it, resting his head in his hands before a sob escaped him.

He was too caught up in his emotions to realize that his bedroom door had pushed open to reveal his brother standing in the doorway, a worried look plastered on his face. "Loki, are you alright?"
"Go away, Thor."
"I'm concerned for you, what happened? Can I help?"
"It happened too long ago for anyone to help, even the goddamn DOCTORS couldn't do anything!"
"Doctors what- Loki what's going on? Are you ill?"
"I wish I was."

He silenced him, raising his head to reveal tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes. Thor walked over and sat next to him, looking at him even when he turned away. "What happened?"
"She died."
"Who died?"
"Who's that?"
"My love."

Thor sucked in a breath. He hadn't known Loki had loved anyone, he never told anyone anything though unless it was his mother. "You have a girlfriend?"
"Had. She died a year ago today."
"Oh, brother..."
"Don't. Save your pity for someone else. Someone who needs it more than I do."

They sat in silence for a while, moments playing through Loki's head, but he was unable to pause them, rewind them. They were constantly playing until it stopped at your death.


"Mr. Laufeyson, Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. and Mrs.
Y/L/N. Can I speak with you?"
"Doctor. Is she ok? Is she going to make it?"
"Have a seat."

Loki looked around anxiously at the other worried family members of other patients. He had met Y/N's parents and sister before this, but never in this grim of a situation. They were lovely people, they raised you kind and caring, but also not to take crap from anyone, especially not those who were close to you. Your sister was always the wild one and you were constantly keeping her in check, but despite your bickering with her you two couldn't possibly be closer. Your nephew was at his fathers house across the city, after your sister got the call she dropped him off and rushed here. "Y/N's surgery was successful, no complications, however afterwards the arrhythmias started. They were minor and we were monitoring her closely, until she bottomed out. We were... unable, to resuscitate her after an hour of chest compressions and using a defibrillator. I'm so sorry."

Your mother let out a scream-like sob and collapsed into her husband while your sister gasped and covered her mouth. Loki could see tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. Other families turned to look, but saw the doctor and exchanged grim looks, wondering who would be next to get similar news. "I'm sor-"
"Please leave us be..."
"Of course. I'll give you time to process this."

Loki stared into space. The love of his life had died, and he was powerless. He reached into his pocket, hand closing around the small, velvet box with the ring inside. He was going to give you it once you had woken up after surgery, but never got the chance.

Your mother was still bawling and your father was on the verge of tears himself. Loki stood and left the waiting room, pushing open the hospital doors and calling Hemidal for the Bifrost to go home.


Loki stood and walked to his dresser, opening a drawer and pulling out a ring box. He ran his finger over the top of it, looking at it with tears in his eyes. "I was going to ask her to marry me. I never got the chance."
"You truly did love her."

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