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Sienna POV (Past)

It is Saturday morning my parents decided to host a brunch with, obviously, the Styles family, and some of their mutual friends.

I cannot believe it is almost August, and we only have one more month at the house.

My Mom woke me up at seven to tell me I needed to start getting the house looking better and start doing chores before everyone arrived. I was annoyed by the fact I was woken up so early to help, but even more annoyed that my parents weren't even nice about the tasks I was given.

I didn't get home until two a.m last night, so the fact I am running on less than five hours of sleep impresses me.

Ezra and my Mom are upstairs getting ready, and me and my Dad are in the kitchen currently setting up. My Father is a tall lanky man who has light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He wears glasses here and there and resembles my brother the most.

My Dad and I don't do much together. We don't really talk about anything personal, which makes me wish he tried more.

"How is your summer going?" I hear him ask between folding towels.

"It is fine." I answer timidly. My eyes look over in his direction to see him looking at me.

"You know, I see you and Harry hanging out more." He points out. "Your Mother and Anne are oblivious or in-denial that anything could be going on."

"Nothing is going on." I say with a fake smile. "We have always been close friends." I pull off.

"Hm," My Dad nods, while looking the other way. "Well, if the new trend are close friends kissing in the driveway at 2 a.m I might be getting a little too old."

"Dad," I scoff. I feel my face instantly turn red and my heart race a million miles per minute. He laughs by my sudden embarrassment. 

"Look," My Dad says clearing his throat. "I know I am not the person to have this talk with you, but I don't want you to get hurt by seeing him."

"What do you mean?" I ask timidly, wanting to hear what he has to say.

"I have seen a few girls come in and out of that house, from the beginning of this summer to a few days ago."

I suddenly feel sick.

"Well, maybe you saw Michelle, who was an ex fling." I come up with, still trying to smile everything off.

"I don't know names obviously. But I go on a run every morning at like five and see girls leave the house."


"We aren't dating. Just having fun." I comment.

My Dad nods and squeezes my shoulder. "Okay." He answers, not pushing it any further. My Dad soon walks away and I am left not knowing how to feel.


It is noon now, and the couples are piling into my house. I decided to wear a white mini sundress that hugs at my waist and flows down the rest of my body nicely.

I am currently in the kitchen fixing up the appetizers on serving plates so everyone can grab their own portion.

"Need any help?" I hear a voice asks.

I snap out of my thoughts and look up and see Harry. He is wearing black jeans and a dark blue polo. I have never seen him in a polo, but I think he looks cute.

"I don't want to make you help when I am supposed to be serving you as guest." I say with a gentle smile.

My eyes look back down at what I am doing briefly so I make sure I am not going to stab myself.

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