Sirius saw the exact moment Harry's composure broke. Sirius saw Harry's eyes flash before taking a deep breath. He looked pissed.

"Well, seeing as all you are doing is snapping at me when I'm only trying to help, I'll take my leave. You do realize your own brother is a Slytherin? In fact, I was nearly sorted there.

As for Severus, there is nothing wrong with having other friends. Why don't you try to grow up for once?" Harry stated coldly before he roughly stood and left the hall. James felt a moment of confusion. Sirius never talked about his brother, how did Harry know about him?

Sirius could only watch frozen as Harry gave him an ice-cold glare and left without even bidding the others farewell. He was snapped out of it at a sudden groan beside him.

"You really had to do that Siri? This isn't going to help your chances you know," Remus pointed out. Sirius slumped at those words. He certainly realized that now.

"Yeah, not cool Pads. You know how Harry is with the Slytherins and bullying." James didn't seem to catch on to the reference of "chances". Peter didn't say anything, more worried about Harry. The boy was nothing but good to him after their little confrontation.

"I know, I shouldn't have snapped at him like that. I'm an idiot," Sirius said mulishly as he hid his face in his arms. His friends looked at him with worry.

"Hey, are you okay, Sirius? You've been acting a bit strange since this morning," James commented as he sipped on his pumpkin juice. He was no idiot; he saw how uncomfortable and tense he was this morning. Sirius hesitated a moment. He didn't know what to tell them. He gazed around to see none of the other Gryffindors near them. Not surprising, they knew better than to bother the infamous Marauders.

"Well, I kinda sorta realized I have feelings for Harry," he muttered. There was a pause before James started choking and coughing.

"What?!!! Sirius Black the infamous playboy among women is gay?" he sputtered in shock. Sirius groaned as he threw his hands up dramatically.

"I don't know! I mean girls can be fun but Harry just," he paused before straightening up and continuing, "he sparks something inside of me. I care about him more than I should, his personality is just so entrancing. I didn't even realize it until yesterday when Remus talked to me about it. And I just get so jealous." James and Peter were both gaping at this point.

"So, you snapped because you were jealous?" Peter asked quietly. Sirius nodded dejectedly.

"Now he's angry at me! Damn it!" he groaned. Remus shook his head before patting Sirius on the back.

"Hey, you know Harry doesn't hold grudges. Just apologize," Remus reassured. Though, Remus knew the reason was because they were all family to him. Remus stayed quiet as his friends tried to cheer Sirius up. He was worried for Sirius and Harry. Sirius because he had no idea how to handle genuine feelings nor did he have any experience taking things seriously. Harry because he saw Sirius as a godfather. That would certainly bring a lot of problems along with it. Harry knew Sirius when he was in his bloody 30s. The chances Harry sees his younger godfather as a lover would be quite slim. But from what he's seen, Harry adapts quickly. Hell, he became friends with Peter who was responsible for his parents' death and kidnapping him to resurrect the dark lord, and Snape who bullied him his entire school life because of his grudge on James. If he could accept they weren't who they used to be, what's to say he can't accept that Sirius could be a lover rather than a godfather? But he noted that his attachment because he was a parental figure to him would make things difficult. But Remus never thought about the possibility the attachment wasn't from their previous relationship.

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