London Kent

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"Going live in 5,4,3-" one of the directors says finishing her countdown with a silent motion of her fingers.

"Hey everybody,welcome back to The Daily Scoop,I'm your host Nikita Martinez." A young blonde,brown eyed woman said cheerily with a toothy smile so big it should have struck the studio audience into blindness.

"Before the break,I announced that today we have a very special guest for you,I'm sure everyone in the studio and watching at home is very eager to find out who our guest is" she teasingly says and the studio audience bursts into cheer.

"Please welcome our very own self made billionaire, Mr London Kent!" She dramatically says as she stands to welcome the guest with clapping hands,the audience following her actions.

The DJ plays the intro song as a young black haired man in black slacks,a blue dress shirt and a dark blue, round neck sweater, enters the studio with bright green eyes and a dashing smile of his own.

He approaches the interviewer, Nikita,shaking her hand before sitting down opposite her on the semicircular brown couch.

"It's so great to have you on the show Mr Kent,thank you for coming" The blonde says once the music turns off

"Thank you for having me" London says turning away from the audience and focusing his attention on the interviewer.

"We are greatly honoured to be the first ones to have you interviewed after your rapid rise in fame,I'm sure many people are waiting to hear your story" Nikita approaches the topic,ready to dig out the whole scoop like the gossip hungry woman she is.

"Yes I'm very sure, as my DMs have unapologetically notified me" London chuckles,looking into the camera making the studio burst in laughter.

"Speaking of DMs,is there a special someone in your life yet?" Nikita probes nosily

"Unless my Bohemian husky counts,then no" The man jokes,avoiding telling the woman that her question had nothing to do with Direct Messages.

"By any chance,are you looking for anyone at the moment?" She probes even further.

"Not really,I'm still focused on my job at the moment but if the right person turns up then we'll see where it goes"

"25 years old and already having one of the most successful businesses in the continent,that's a big achievement" Nikita compliments

"Thank you,it took a lot for me to get here" London says with a smile not as bright as before

"Rumors say that you grew up in the streets" Nikita states in a questioning manner

"Those rumors are indeed true"the man says

"How would you say life was when growing up and how did it all contribute to where you are today" Nikita asks the question she has been wanting to ask for a while now

London sighed looking up at the ceiling for a brief moment before turning to the interviewer once more.

"Rough,I would say it was all things hard but I wouldn't have it any other way because I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all the struggles I went through" London answers and Nikita motions for him to go deeper.

"My dad left my mom,sisters and I while we were very young,I was still naive so I didn't know who was in the wrong so I blamed my mom for my dad's disappearance and told her I was gonna leave,she only told me that if I leave,then I have nowhere to come back to.I didn't listen to her and went away in search of my father.I found that he was still in town but when I got to where he lived,he chased me away,saying he wanted nothing to do with me or my family, he was not gonna take care of other men's children. I was heartbroken at that,he was a man I grew to look up to and I loved him dearly." London's eyes glistened with unshed tear but he still continued to speak.

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