Chapter 4

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Synth and Sparky were walking through Trollstopia. Synth was walking Sparky home. He kind of didn't know what Sparky really felt. Sure he's like her for a while, but she probably didn't feel the same

How could an orchid be with someone who was just a fish and some Synth

They got to Sparky's pod to hear music inside. They got confused but Synth tapped Sparky's shoulder

"Uhhh hey Sparky, I had a really great time tonight." Synth said

"I did too Synth, thanks." Sparky said

"Yeah, so umm I guess I'll just see you tomorrow? Maybe?" Synth said

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow. If im not busy." Sparky said

"Great I'll just get Echo and we'll be on our way." Synth said

"Ok." Sparky said

Echo flew out the window into Synth arms

"Papà!" Echo said, falling asleep

Synth and Echo left. Sparky sighed and went inside to see Leo reading those books but she heard something in Barbs room, and went over to the door. She heard three voices

Sparky looked through the peephole and saw Barb with DJ and Trollex with her on the bed. Barb and DJ were both cuddled up with Trollex while they were watching a movie

Sparky immediately opened the door and saw them under the blanket. The three immediately looked

"What the heck!" Sparky said

"Uhhhhhh!!!" The three said

"You two out of my pod now! Barb you stay here!" Sparky said

DJ and Trollex left while Barb stayed in bed

"What are you doing!? K when I said to watch the kids, I said you keep an eye on Leo and the baby and go out and do stuff with them! I didn't say you could invite people and start cuddling with them in my POD!!" Sparky said

"We did go out and do things! We went out to eat and even played a few board games when we got back!" Barb said

"Then why did I come home seeing you in bed with Trollex and DJ!?" Sparky asked

Barb got quiet and immediately looked away from her

"Barb!" Sparky said

"Y-yeah!" Barb said, looking at her again nervously

"Why were you in bed with DJ and Trollex?" Sparky asked

"Umm well that's complicated." Barb said

Sparky grabbed Barbs arm

"Barb tell me!" Sparky said

"Fine!! You wanna know so bad!? Me, Trollex, and DJ recently got together ok!!" Barb said

"W-what?" Sparky asked

"We.. we got together a few days ago since me and Carol separated.." Barb said

"So you guys are what? In one of those poly relationships thing?" Sparky asked

"Yeah, and I know how you've been after I got myself killed. That's why I hid it from you." Barb said

"Well I'm about to kill you myself! Ok you shouldn't be in a poly thing! It's not good, i head about people who've been in one. K, there's drama and jealousy and a lot more stuff Barb! And I can believe you hid this from me!" Sparky said

"I- I- I had too! It's been working very well." Barb said

"Oh it gets worse Barb! K your probably gonna get jealous Barb. Especially if Trollex turns his attention to DJ more than you! Plus it may be working out great now, but pretty soon it will turn out bad Barb, and why share if you can have that one person to yourself." Sparky said

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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