Chapter 1

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In Trollstopia it was very hot, the Trolls were stuffing their shirts and pants with ice cream. The Rock Trolls were laying on the ground in pain

Poppy saw this and sighed. It was more hot this year than usual. That was when Barb came inside with Sparky. Sparky was helping Barb stand. It was the yearly sickness the Rock Trolls had each summer

"Oh! Guys! Nice of you to come over. Barb... you look terrible." Poppy said

"Tell me.. something I don't know. Ughhhhh!! I hate summer.." Barb said

"What's wrong with summer?" Poppy asked

"The Rock Trolls have a yearly sickness during the summer and that's why Barb hates it!" Sparky said

"Awww that's terrible." Poppy said

"I'm gonnaaaa sock you in the face!.." Barb said

Barb fell on the floor

"Barb!!" Sparky said

"Heheeee anchovies." Barb said on the floor

Poppy and Sparky looked at her

"I think she's broken." Poppy said

"Poppy don't you have anything you can give to Barb to cool her down? Anything at all please!" Sparky said

"Well I have those ice creams I was gonna give out at the lake." Poppy said

"Great! Can you give Barb some please." Sparky said

"Yeah sure! Uhhh which flavor?" Poppy asked

"CHOCONILLA!!" Barb said

"•-•" Sparky and Poppy just stared at her

"Uh vanilla?" Sparky said

"Great! I'll be right back." Poppy said

Poppy ran off to leave Sparky and Barb in the room. Barb fell out of Sparky's arms. Sparky helped her up and Barb gave a little laugh

"Next time we are not taking you out." Sparky said

"Come on Sparklyyyy chill.. boop." Barb said booping Sparky's forehead


"I don't know why I brought you out. You can't even speak or walk! Maybe if I put some cold water on you it will cool you down more." Sparky said

"Heh.... fishy!" Barb said

"Yeah fish live in water Barb." Sparky said

"I like fishy's." Barb said, putting her head on Sparky's shoulder

"I thought you hated fish?" Sparky said confused

"Youuuuuu! Hate fish!" Barb said, putting her finger on Sparky's mouth to make her shush

"What? No I don't." Sparky said, moving Barbs hand

"Heh.... fish swim." Barb said

"Yeah they do swim." Sparky said

"Barb wanna swim!.. blap." Barb said, putting her hand on Sparky's face

"Eh! Barb!" Sparky said, moving Barbs hand

"Barb!" Barb repeated

"Ok how about you put just put your hands on your sides?" Sparky suggested

Barb put her hands over her eyes

"Barb! Come on." Sparky said

"You said eyes." Barb said

"No I didn't I said sides." Sparky said

"Ohhhh." Barb said removing her hands

"Yeahhhh uh Poppy you have those ice creams yet!! Barb here is totally broken." Sparky said

"Almost!!' Poppy said

"Well hurry up!" Sparky said

"Starkssss chill." Barb said

"Sparks, Barb, Sparks. S-P-A-R-K-S." Sparky said

"Ohhhhh! Hehhhhh Sparkystop." Barb said

"Oh my gosh Barb." Sparky said

"Andddd! Here!!" Poppy said, coming back in the room

"Eeee!!! Thank you Poppy!" Sparky said

"Of course here you go! What's wrong with Barb. She looks more.... broken than before." Poppy said

"The Rock Trolls sickness it starts to mess with them and make them look like that." Sparky said

"Yeah I have to agree. She looks furry. Awww!! Fur!!" Poppy said

Poppy grabbed Barbs face and started to pet Barbs back fur. Barbs leg started to twitch from the petting

"Don't touch her! :0" Sparky said

"Right! Right sorry. Gosh Rock Trolls are just like dogs during summerrrr." Poppy said as her lit up

"They're not dogs Poppy." Sparky said

"Well Barb sure is acting like one when you pet her." Poppy said

"It's because of the sickness. It makes them act weird and different." Sparky said

"Plus it's very hot this summer." Poppy said

"Yeah it is... we got a long summer." Sparky said

"Yeahhhh but! But me and Branch are planning something." Poppy said

"Really what?" Sparky asked

"Wellllll it was an idea. Maybe it'll cool the Rock Trolls down. We're planning on going on a cruise." Poppy said

"Ooooooo a cruise! I've never been on a cruise before." Sparky said

"Right! And it's summer. Even the kids can have fun!" Poppy smiled

"The kids will be going with us too right?" Sparky asked

"Of course! We can't just leave them here in Trollstopia by themselves." Poppy said

"Yeeeeeee!!! Aw Leo is gonna have so much fun!!" Sparky said

"Yeah! And Barb won't be... well like that." Poppy said

Poppy and Sparky looked. Barb was looking at some boxes with stars in her eyes. She sprayed some glitter in her mouth and started to gag

"MY GLITTER!!!!" Poppy shouted

"Barb!! No!" Sparky said

Barb hissed

"Sorry about your glitter Poppy." Sparky said

"Ehhhhh it's fine. I'll just ask Guy to fart in it again." Sparky said

"W-what?" Sparky asked

"Yeahhhh Guy always refills it for me." Poppy said

"Oh gosh." Sparky said

"Mhmmmmm. And Barb sprayed that rightttt into her mouth." Poppy said

"Aw thars disgusting ok! We better go before Barb puts something else in her mouth." Sparky said

"Well I'll see you two at the lake then! Might wanna take these ice creams." Poppy said, handing them to Sparky

"Yeah we will. See ya!" Sparky said, putting Barb over her shoulder

"Bye!" Poppy waved

Sparky and Barb left Poppy's pod. Poppy grabbed the ice cream cooler and started to take it to the lake where the Trolls were already waiting

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