Meeting Fred

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I am happy for my first day of Hogwarts. I would be going into my fifth year. This will be my first time at Hogwarts. Even though I am going into my fifth year at Hogwarts and this is my first time in Hogwarts I went to Beaxbatons Academy before I came to Hogwarts. My house in Beaxbatons Academy was Bellefuille. Bellefuille house traits are Loyal and Just like the house Hufflepuff. I hope I get Hufflepuff.

Time skip

I just arrived at Hogwarts and it is time to get sorted into my house. I am so happy. I have been waiting so long to come to Hogwarts and I finally have come to Hogwarts. I went on stage when a Professor said I could come up and get sorted into my house. It is the middle of the year, so the students were surprised there was a new student. I went up to get sorted and I was so nervous. A strange old talking hat out on my head the Professor said it is called the sorting hat. "Hm difficult very difficult You are patient and kind. Hufflepuff where they are just and Loyal" The sorting hat said

I went to the Hufflepuff table where the Hufflepuff's were happy to have a new Hufflepuff. When Everyone went back to their common rooms I bumped into someone because I was running to find the Hufflepuff's because I had lost them. I didn't look up for a few seconds and there was a boy that looked my age and he had brown a eyes and ginger hair. I didn't talk for a few minutes then I said " Hi my name Y/n I'm sorry for bumping into I wasn't watching where I was going"
"It is ok My name is Fred Weasley and this my twin George and our best Lee Jordan"The boy said
"Do you know where the Hufflepuff common room is I was following the Hufflepuff's there because I am new them I bumped into you"
"I can take you there if you want" Fred said
"Thanks I would really appreciate if you took me to the Hufflepuff common room is because I don't know where anything is"
When we got there Hufflepuff's we're coming and they did a rhythm on barrels and I followed them inside the common room. There was a lot of plants on the Hufflepuff common room and I loved it because it was like my house at Beaxbatons Academy.

An: Hi I am the Author of this book and I didn't make up the Beaxbatons house. I searched the houses for it and that was the first house I saw, so I chose that house for this. Since it was like Hufflepuff You got put into Hufflepuff. I hope you like it.

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