Chapter Five

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I jumped out after Loki, followed by Thor and Jane.
Thor and I landed on the smaller ship, whereas Loki sort of crashed down. "I see your time in the dungeons made you less graceful, Loki." Fandral laughed. Loki watched as Malekith's ship was still getting fired at, he then shot a proud look at Thor. "You lied to me. I'm impressed." He said. "I'm glad you're pleased, now do as you promised and take us to your secret pathway." Thor instructed. Loki grinned and took over the controls, at the same time the Asgardian ships caught us and began firing. "Fandral!" Thor called. "Right." Fandral said, grabbing a rope and stepping on to the edge of the ship. "For Asgard!" He yelled, before jumping off the ship and using the rope to swing onto the ship following us.
Loki was flying us straight to the mountains. "Loki!" I shouted, in a panicked tone. "If it were easy, everyone would do it." Loki shot back with a mad grin on his face. "Are you mad?!" Thor asked. "Possibly." Loki said whilst increasing the speed to the moutain. Suddenly, we went through a portal and landed in Svartalfheim. "Ta da!" Loki said.

Loki gained back control of the vehicle, and we watched as Thor placed a blanket over Jane. "What I could do with the power that flows through those veins." Loki said. "It would consume you." Thor told him. "She's holding up all right. For now." Loki commented. "She's strong in ways you'd never even know." Thor shot back. "Say goodbye." Loki taunted. "Not this day." Thor muttered. "This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you." Loki spat. "And will that satisfy you?!" Thor snapped. "Satisfaction is not in my nature." Loki said. "Surrender is not in mine." Thor added. "The son of Odin.." Loki started. "No! Not just of Odin. You think you alone were loved of mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust." Thor protested. "Trust? Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?!" Loki argued. "What help were you in your cell?" Thor sneered. "Who put me there?" Loki asked. "WHO PUT ME THERE!" Loki yelled again. Thor grabbed hold of Loki's collar and pushed him against the flying ship. "You know damn well. You know damn well who!" Thor shouted. "Thor! Loki! Enough the pair of you, you've taken it too far. Frigga wouldn't want you to fight!" I said, bringing them away from each other. "Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked." Loki said with a slight chuckle. "I wish I could trust you." Thor said, sounding hurt. "Trust my rage." Loki said.
"Jane?" Thor questioned when she got up and stood by the edge. "Malekith." She said simply. We landed the ship, and hid behind a muddy hill as we awaited the elves approach. "Alright, are you ready?" Thor asked Jane. "I am." Loki replied. They stood up on the ledge, whilst Jane and I stayed back. "You know, this plan of yours is going to get us killed." Loki said. "Yes, possibly." Thor said, and Loki held his hands out to hint at getting the cuffs off. "You still don't trust me brother?" Loki questioned. "Would you?" Thor asked, removing them. Loki stretched his hands and wrists, before smirking and pulling out a dagger. "No I wouldn't." He spun round and stabbed Thor in the stomach. "Thor!" Jane cried, whilst getting up. Loki followed Thor down the hill, and stalked him like prey. "You really think I cared about Frigga? About any of you? All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet." He sneered, kicking Thor in the side. "Loki!" I called, making myself 'known'. "Stop this now!" I instructed, but he ignored me. Instead, he noticed Thor trying to summon Mjolnir and chopped off his hand. Jane ran next to Thor, but Loki grabbed her. "Malekith! I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift." He said, throwing Jane to the ground. "I ask only for one thing in return. A good seat from which to watch Asgard burn." He requested.
We stood and watched as Malekith pulled the Aether from Jane. Once it was fully removed, Loki nodded to me. "Freyja now!" Thor shouted as I lifted Loki's enchantment from him, allowing him to summon Mjolnir and destroy the Aether. Loki jumped to shield Jane and I dived to the ground. Seconds passed, and a tinkling noise could be heard. Loki and I looked up to find the substance had changed into hundreds of shards. Upon further inspection, we realised Malekith was absorbing it. He cried out in pain and it looked like he shut down. Malekith stopped screaming, then lifted his head up. His eyes were the same glossy dark colour that had been in Jane's previously.

After observing the scene, he simply turned his back and waved at his henchmen to finish us off. Thor, Loki and I looked at each other and we began fightiing them off. Suddenly, the biggest elf clicked off a portal grenade (don't hate me, I don't know what it's called) and threw it towards Loki, before I could run and stop him, it sucked him up. But luckily, Thor flew into it and pulled him out. The portal then vanished and Thor headed straight for the elf ship.
Whilst he flew off, a group of dark elves surrounded Loki and I, I turned to him and grinned. "For old times sake?" I smirked, and he nodded. We fought off the group pretty easily, but then I noticed Thor struggling with the larger elf from earlier. "Stay here with Jane. I'll be right back." I told Loki and he nodded.
I snuck up behind the creature and before it could land another blow on Thor, I wedged a sword through it's middle. It turned to me with a stumble and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me onto the rest of the blade. "NOOOOO!" I heard Thor yell. My eyes went wide and the beast threw me off, and I landed on the ground with a thud. I smirked up at the creature and looked at the glowing grenade on it's belt. "See you in hell monster." I sneered, as it realised what I'd done. The portal expanded and took the creature away. It was then the adrenaline disappeared and I realised how badly I was wounded. I saw Thor run over and kneel next to me.

Loki I'm sorry. Forgive me.

Freyja? What have you done?!

I didn't reply because it hurt too much. "Ah, Freyja you fool." Thor said, as tears welled in his eyes. "I know, I'm sorry." I said, struggling for breath. "Stay with me. Come on." Thor pushed and I heard hurried footsteps. "Freyja! Freyja! Where is she?!" I heard Loki yell. The footsteps stopped and through the silence I heard Loki break. "No, no, no! What did you do?" Loki cried, I saw the tears fall down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, Loki. You too Thor. I really am. I'm sorry I couldn't be a better warrior." I said, through staggered breaths. "No. You are an amazing warrior, and you'll be able to tell the stories to Sif and The Warriors. Please I beg. Stay with me. Freyja please!" Loki said, through the tears, and I could tell he was panicked. My eyes began to feel heavy and my body felt numb. "Freyja, come on. You're not really going to leave me here with Loki are you?" Thor said in attempt to make a joke. "You'll be okay." I smiled weakly. "I won't be okay. Freyja, please. Stay with me. I...I...I love you okay! That's why you need to stay." Loki pleaded desperately. I let out a pained noise. "Oh, Loki. I've always loved you." I managed to get out.
Before I could die, time seemed to freeze and a group of armed soldiers came through an orange doorway.

"Freyja Sigurddottir. On behalf of the Time Variance Authority, I hereby arrest you for crimes against the Sacred Timeline." A woman's voice ordered.

Hell is Living Without You ~ Loki Where stories live. Discover now