Your not so bad I guess.

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As Acier began to run after her now crying son, the parents immediately went into action and scolded their child. Fuegoleon pondered on whether he should go after this "nozel" since he was looking forward to meeting lady Aciers son, he had heard of her when their father was explaining on who they were going to meet, and found her to be a very nice woman.

He looked at his mother and tugged on her shirt,


"Can I go after him..?"

His father stopped his sister stopped, its almost as if the whole world froze. His sister looked like she was going to burst into laughter yet again but the scolding that her father had given her had already taught her a lesson she would soon forget.

"Sure, but ask of Aciers permission first."

His father broke the shock everyone had and his mother gave him an approving look, they were heading to follow him after they were done with Mereoleona. So he went ahead of them and entered the estate.

He was stunned. The estate had looked nothing like he had expected by the least bit. Its halls were deserted except for the servants around. It seems like his entrance had gained someones attention. He heard footsteps coming downstairs and then stood before him a male, who had the same silver hair as Nozel and Acier. (Before you ask they're like distant relatives)

Following him was infact another person, this time a toddler waddling towards him. She also had the same hair. He was getting dazed by how many people had the same hair but that thought was immediately shut out when he spoke :

"Are you Gale's son?"

"Yes" he replied to the male, Fuegoleon had noticed that the male had different colored eyes, one which was pink the other, blue. At first he thought that they were symbols of his power but after he saw the toddler with the same eye color he dropped the theory.

"So, what do you want?"

"Uh...I'd like to see Nozel."

The toddler pointed her small arm left, and then blabbed :


He looked up at the male, he gave him a look of approval then asked him to follow him.

He followed as commanded, until they reached a door, The male knocked on the door and slowly it creaked open.

"Acier, is he in a better mood?"

"Well, I guess so, why? do you want to see him?"

She turned her head towards him,


She broke into a gentle smile and then whispered,

"He's never really gotten along with others, so I'm happy you'd want to see him."

Acier opened the door more until he had access to enter, there he saw the silver-haired boy on his bed with his knees upto his face.

Acier had soon left the room leaving the two alone, he walked up towards him, but once he was near the bed Nozel shifted away.

"What do you want?" He spoke, his knees still upto his face.

"I'm here to say sorry for my sister, she always acts like this."

"Okay, now leave."

He was shocked on how rude he was despite him apologizing for something he didn't do, Fuegoleon took none of it and replied :


"I said leave."

"And I said no."

"Why not?!" Nozel spoke with a higher tone, But Fuegoleon was still firm.

"Because i want to be your friend."

"Well I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't."

"But why don't you want to?"

Nozel shot him a look and Fuegoleon understood what it meant.

"I'm not like my sister, besides, I think you sound nice."

"Oh..Thank you I guess."

Nozel finally lifted his head and looked at him.

"So, what now?" Nozel shifted and nodded towards the empty space behind him indicating that he wanted him to come up on his bed.

"I don't know, By the way, what magic do you use?"

"I use mercury magic."

"Huh, father was right you really are a combination of your parents."

"How do you know?"

"Well he told me Your mother used Steel and you father used water, Isn't mercury a combination of that?"

"Heah, just wondering how you knew, what about you?"

"Oh, me and my sister both use flame magic."

There was silence inbetween the both since they had nothing to talk about, thankfully Acier knocked on the door and told them it was time for lunch, she also broke into a wide smile, she was happy her son was getting along with someone after all.

Before they exited the door however, Nozel spoke.

"Your not so bad I guess."

And left through the door.

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