A Town That Loves Pirates

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Those books weren't lying about the Grand Line. It is really unpredictable' Yoruichi thought in amusement, snuggling in the blue haired woman's jacket 'I'd rather it rains'

Yoruichi couldn't understand how Pirates would happily sail around the world in this dreadful weather. Her dream of being out in the snow was ruined. She had to be stuck on a boat full of people and rely on the heat of this snobby woman.

The snow was colder than she expected. She's heard how rather warm it is despite the cold substance surrounding everything. A lie with how hard her nipples currently are.

"How they can be so energetic in the freezing cold is beyond me" a disapproving voice states from the opposite side of the room by the round window.

Yoruichi nods her head in agreement. It seemed her, occasionally Usopp and Nami only had common sense.

'Not even Sanji's attire is weather appropriate' the feline sweat drops 'All he's wearing is a scarf and gloves'

"Excuse me, doesn't this ship have a heater? This environment is in humane" The orange haired man asks in distain, making Yoruichi mentally agree with him in equal distain of the lack of heater and ac.

"I'm cold" the blue haired woman speaks up in irritation. Although Miss Wednesday and Mr 9 had blankets, their clothing we're thin which lacked the warmth they needed.

"Shut your mouths! You're not guests here! You wanna warm up, go shovel snow or something!" Nami shouts at the two

The loud sound from the sky surprised the flash goddess with the sudden weather change. She didn't think there could be thunder in the snow.

'Maybe it's normal?'

"First snow now lightening? What's going on with this weather?" Nami asks herself in confusion, looking at the sky from the window "I've never seen anything like it"

'So it isn't' she muses, jumping out of the guest's jacket to get inside Nami's much warmer one 'Like the book said, the grand line's weather conditions change drastically'

Nami rubs her small black head with a small frown "Aww Yoru. You're freezing! You should have been in my jacket instead"

The feline meows in reply.

"I'll keep you warm" Nami grins, kissing the top of a very contempt cat.

'I should have been here from the start'


Yoruichi couldn't be the only one suspicious of the welcoming crowd. There was no way everyone on this island could worship Pirates this much with how much of a bad reputation they have.

'Somethings definitely fishy and it isn't a fish stand' Yoruichi frowns, eyeing the crowd on the shoulders of her captain 'The hostility is there. I can feel it'

Yoruichi mentally screamed at how her friends actually believed the act. But who could blame them. They had everyone screaming and welcoming them like they we're a bunch of famous people.

'A party in honour of our arrival? This is how people end up missing or dead' she sighs, sitting on Luffy's head as he, Sanji, and Usopp giddy away in each other's arms.

They ended up in a large one story building filled with adults ready to party them to submission. The lady's approaching Sanji was enough indicator to what his weakness will be. Women. She wasn't sure if they actually liked him enough to surround him on the couch like concubines or so they can have him drink till he passed out.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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