That Day For Belle

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"Belle! Belle! Get up! You've got to get the school bus in 5 minutes!"
I rush and get changed, if I had woke up earlier I could have had pancakes ugghh. I rush outside just in time for the bus. Jumping on the bus, I run down the Isle to the back. I sit next to her a give her a hug.

" Why didn't you text me this morning?"

I only had 5 minutes to get  ready or I would missed the bus"
"I should start going to yours at 6am and wake you up" She said.
"You probably should!" I laughed. "Anyway what you doing later?"
"Well we could go to the tree, you know the one that we got permission to build a tree house in"
"Yeah why not, I think it would be fun. Anyway have you done your maths homework."
"Omg I don't think I have!Can I copy yours."
"Yes of course just Hury up and do it before Mrs Cambridge gets on."

Copying it down I notice that all of the pride flags we put up are gone. Know we shall riot to the towns Council.

My first lesson is?
Yaaay it's my favourite lesson.
But first I must survive through tutor time. I have Mrs England my aunt. She teaches English and reads us her students essays every day. It's so annoying.

In library I go to the pride section to see that it's been cleared out and replaced with straight romance so I walk up to Mrs London and ask why its not there.
She replied "the head teacher said that they must go"
"was she the one who got rid of the pride flags too."
"Im afraid yes, she is also our new president"
"She was the annonomus candidate"
""I say as she walks into the room and announces that she is leaving and putting Mrs Cambridge in charge.
Now what do we do.
She is one of our most homophobic teachers.

How could this day get any worse. O I know I have maths next. At least she reminded me about our maths homework this morning.

I walk to maths in silence. When I get in Mr hatchle ordered me to my seat. "He's not our maths teacher?"i whisper to loxane
" He's our new one"  and he's pissed about it"
"Turn to pg 679 in the text book infront of you."
"But sir we were still on pg 560"milly calles out.
"I don't care! Now you should all be on pg679."
There is the rattling of books opening and paper bieng turnt.
"Answer questions 1 to 50 you have 5 minutes."
Theres grounding and whispers of anoyence.
I rush to answer the questions and still only do least I got them all right.

The next lesson is a free pireod
I grab Jennifer and we sneak under the fence and run to the tree.
I ask how her day has been.

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