✨ Prologue ✨

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" Wow, guys, you are amazing! We'd love to have you at our record label. You're so talented! " The producer, Mr. Davis, who was tasked with seeing what we could do, says in awe over us. 

" Oh my god, thank you so much, Sir! We're so grateful. " Kelsea says, nearly in tears.

" Thank you, Sir! " I manage to squeak out, barely able to keep myself together.

Is this really happening right now? Somebody, pinch me.

"You're welcome, girls! You are exactly what this label was looking for."

Nope, this has to be a dream. Come on, Skylar, wake up!

" We understand you live in Knoxville with your parents, so we will give you guys time to move here. But we want to work with you as quickly as possible. " Mr. Davis stresses with an urgent tone in his voice.

Holy shit, this is really happening!

" Of course, Sir. We both look forward to it. " Kelsea says, slightly calmer than before.

We both shake the hands of all the executives and Mr. Davis and thank them once again for this amazing opportunity that we both have dreamt of since we were little girls. Now, we're about to live our dream!

(Three months later)

I stare out the window as my family and I drive to our new home in Nashville, Tennessee. I'm sad that I had to leave the only house I've ever lived in, but I've also never been happier in my life. We're finally living our dream.

We are driving down a street when I see this guy playing basketball with his friends. He is shirtless because it is super hot outside. He has brown hair and a color of eyes that I couldn't quite make out, but somehow, I knew they were beautiful. Gut feeling, I guess.

" Stop drooling, " Kelsea playfully whispers in my ear, prompting me to chuckle and playfully hit her arm.

" I wasn't drooling! " I say laughing.

" Whatever you say, " Kelsea drawls out, smirking at me with her 'don't even try lying to me, I'm older and know all your secrets' look.

" We're here guys, our new home. " Mom exclaims, smiling.

I get out of the car and see a decent sized house. Perfect for our little family.

We all walk in, and after a quick survey of the downstairs, I go to check out the room that Mom says is mine. The sight that greets me when I open the door is beautiful hot pink walls, big bed, nice desk, perfect.

" Do you like it? " Mom's voice brings me out of my dream-like state.

" Yes, I love it! " I say excitedly.

" Good, I'm glad you like it, Honey. Get settled, we can talk later. " Mom states as she begins to exit my room.

I nod in agreement before she fully exits, and I'm once again left to my solitude.

I begin unpacking all my stuff, because trust me, it'll take a while. As I'm unpacking clothes and beginning to decorate my room, I see the same exact boy I saw on the way here, the boy from the basketball court down the street. He's even more handsome than I originally thought. By far, the most handsome guy I've ever seen. He has tan skin, spiky brown hair and the most gorgeous hazel eyes.

I force myself to look away before he notices me staring at him. The last thing I need is to be bullied again. First it was for my singing, now for being creepy, no, thank you.

" Hey sis, " Kelsea's voice rings in my ears as she enters my room.

" Hey Kels, " I reply with a smile.

" Are you excited? " Kelsea asks, looking at me so she can detect any lie or sense any apprehension.

Can never get anything past Kels.

I nod and smile for good measure, so she knows I'm telling the truth.

" Good... "

I give her the look telling her I knew she was going to say more.

" What is it, Kels? "

" Just, promise me you'll try to make things different for you at our new school. "

I groan, but she quickly gives me her 'just hear me out' look, which always works because she's older.

" Put yourself out there more, find new friends, you're incredible and more of the world should know you outside of the people in these four walls. "

I send her a grateful smile and say, " Thank you, Kels. I'll try harder."

" Anytime sis. Who knows? Maybe you'll even find a boyfriend. " she adds on the last part quickly, with a tinge of hope in her voice, hoping I wouldn't catch it.

I send her my best 'you're pushing it' look, and she slumps her shoulders in defeat.

Before exiting the room, she stops at the doorway, turns around, and says, " This is our new start, take advantage of it. "

I send her one last nod in agreement before she walks out of my room.

Kelsea is right. This is a fresh start. The start of us accomplishing our dreams!

I can't wait to see what this journey has in store for us.

a/n: New story guys!!!!! What do you think so far? I made the cover myself and I'm actually really proud of the finished product. I'm sorry I've been so inactive recently. I was juggling school and I also lost inspiration for quite some time, but I'm gonna try to do better for you guys! You shouldn't have to deal with me constantly disappearing, so I'm going to try to do better. I love you guys, until we meet again,

Kayleigh 💜

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