Janet-you all right you have been spacing out all day.

Rae and Leslie-both agreeing with Jodi and Janet

Imane-I need to tell all of you something 

Everyone-what is it.

Imane- I think I'm in love y/n ,I don't know every time I am with him I feel safe and happy.  

Leslie-Imane we all know you like him.

Imane-really I say shocked.

Everyone else agreed with Leslie 

Rae-yea I thought you were dating him in secret or something
Jodi-yea every time we would catch you staring at him during lunch

Janet-So was that is because we know you are so into him

Imane-no it's that,me and y/n made plans to hang out this whole break and he said it's a surprise the places he plans to take me. 

Jodi-you think he's going to ask you to be his girlfriend

Imane's face turns red and she covers her face with her hands

Imane-No I don't think so I think he only likes me as a friend 

Rae-Imane he likes you too I can tell he smiles a lot every time he is with you
Leslie- it's true I remember the days you were absent he looked sad like he was at funeral.
Jodi-yea I mean to be sure I can ask John if y/n has said anything about you that could sound spicy.
Imane-NO ! 

Jodi-I'm kidding
Imane-you scared me but anyways even if he did asked me out I don't know what would parents say since his cultural background is different from mine.

Janet-don't worry about it if you too like each other deeply then that won't matter because you are the one dating him. 

Everyone else agrees with Janet.

Imane-I sigh i don't know we'll see what happens

The girls went to the food court and had Pizza and drinks from Starbucks,then after Rae came up with an idea

Rae-I have an idea let's go find cute outfits for Imane for her dates with y/n .

Imane blushes hard again

Imane-it's not a date we are just hanging out 
Rae- Rae smirks sure it is 
Janet- come on let's go
They find and buy cute outfits for Imane to wear,Jodi buys new clothes as well,Rae buys some games from GameStop,Leslie buys LED lights for her room and some anime merchandise,and Janet buys some jewelry and lotions from Victoria's Secret and after that they left and went to Rae's house to hang out since they were having a slumber party at her house.

Y/n POV.

We are at my house in my room hanging out on the deck and I start talking with them about my feelings about Imane.

Y/n-guys I just can't stop thinking about it.

Everyone-thinking about what man

John-you still worried about the date

Y/n it's not a date we are just hanging out.
Edison-sure it is
Y/n-look guys I really like Imane that I think I love her like every time I'm with her she makes me happy and I feel comfy around her.

Toast-We know you do I mean you almost cried like a bitch just because she wasn't at school.

John and Edison laugh. 

Y/n flips them off 

Y/n-I don't know what your talking about

John-bullshit it's true man you looked sad.

Edison-guys y/n just really likes Imane I understand why he would feel that way

Y/n/thanks Edison I mean their right i like Imane a lot and I want to ask her out but I'm afraid that she is going to say no and that my family won't approve me dating her since we are both from two different backgrounds

Everyone-just scolds and slapped me on the back of my neck
Y/n- The fuck was that you

John-you can really dumb at times man

Edison-for real.
toast- yea the fucks wrong with you
John-bro she is going to say yes we are all 100% sure she likes you and who cares if your family doesn't approve if you really love Imane you won't care what anyone else thinks.

Edison and toast agree with John

Y/n-yea your right.

Everyone-well we got leave it's getting late we'll see you later online bye y/n
Y/n-bye guys.

Y/n i stay outside thinking to myself I can't stop thinking about Imane I hope you feel the same,after that I shower and go to sleep

Imane's POV.
We are all in Rachel's house and we are just talking while we are waiting for the food to arrive. 

The girls are all just doing their thing with Rae playing on her pc,Leslie on her phone talking with Edison,Jodi painting her nails and having a face mask on,Janet texting toast and listening to music,and me just sitting on the floor thinking about y/n and I start to discuss my feelings about him with the girls.

Imane-I can't stop thinking about y/n.
Everyone else start to groan.

Rae-you still on about that.

Imane-sorry I just keep wondering if he likes or not. 
Janet-Imane for the one million time he likes you the same way you like him
Jodi is just listening and Leslie end her call with Edison.
Leslie- it's true Imane he is going to ask you out.
Imane-I hope he does in a very romantic and cute way.
Jodi-he's probably not I mean John didn't  
Janet agrees with Jodi.

Janet-yea Toast didn't either.
Rae-just be happy that he does ask you out Imane. 

Leslie-yea if you love him that should be enough right. 

Imane-I guess.
Well after talking a bit more the food came and they eat it while watching some rom com movies and they all knocked out with Rae sleeping on her setup,Jodi on the bed,Leslie in the corner,and Janet and Imane on the floor faced down,the tv was still on and the AC's sound was making it peaceful the room.

Imane fell asleep peacefully and so did y/n but they are about feel the happiest they have ever felt soon and sleep even better than they are now

Imane my high school sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now