Chapter 2

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Y/n-Yo Tony what time we out to see mom and Sis ?  

Anthony-Later at 3 ?
Y/n-The fuck man you already drinking it's only 12

Anthony-HEY man I deserve this after 6 months of no drinking(he says jokingly) 
Y/n-couldn't have you waited till we went to mom's house so you could've drink with sis since both you are heavy ass drinkers.
Anthony-nah man I like to drink Mike's hard and she is more a liquor person 
Y/n-I'm just shaking my head,you both are alcoholics but it could've been worse

Anthony-fuck it man call mom tell her we coming to see her
Y/n- Mom said she not home wait but we can go to the house now and wait for her.

Anthony-All right let's go
After a few mins we made it to mom's 
Anthony-bruh yo Y/n sis is still sleeping haha ,wake up 
Y/n -where's the dogs and the cat ?

Sis -they right here(the two shih tzus are sleeping and the cat is chilling in the living room). 
Mom is here 10mins later after we came. 
Mom-hey are you,hug me !!!
We hug mom and then she grasps
Mom-Anthony what's wrong with you,you drinking already
Anthony-yes mom

Mom-just like your sister you both never stop

Y/n I be thinking to myself we all drink,me and mom are wine people,sis is a liquor person,Anthony and Pops are beer lovers.  

Mom-you too are both scum she says in a stern tone 

We all laugh because mom has been short tempered and since she is short(4.11) it makes even more funnier and she be always be making these type of edgy jokes .
Sis-I'm hungry,y/n come with me let's go buy food.
Mom-bring some Italian ice from Rita's and Lobster tails from the bakery.

Y/n-ok yo fatass you coming with us or you staying with mom and the pets.

Anthony-Ima stay here and lay down on mom's bed
Y/n-Ight  fuck you then(I say jokingly)

Anthony fuck you too bitch
Y/n-hahaha,all right man I'll see you in a bit.
After buying food and all the stuff mom wanted we eat outside in the patio in the backyard so the dogs can play outside as well,and we just eat and had drinks even me which I rarely do but I just had wine since I don't like alcohol after a while we just drinking and talking bullshit and then it's 10pm so we told mom we out and went home and fell asleep peacefully.
Moving Day
Y/n-yo Anthony wake up it's 5 in the morning and we have to pack up .

Anthony-groans fine 

After a while we ready to leave and head to the airport but mom,sis,and the dogs are going with us to say goodbye.

Y/n-damn bro I am tired asf

Anthony-yea man it's only 7am I'm going to be sleeping on the plane. 

Y/n-same man 

We finally arrived to the line and we had to say goodbye to mom and sis couldn't stop feeling emotional and my brother as well and then we left go t on the plane and just slept thru it and now we in LA  and it's 8am pst here.

Narrator-While y/n is made it to LA,California,USA another family is having a similar situation but in Toronto,Ontario,Canada.

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