Chapter 4

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It's the first day of school for y/n and the lovely Imane Anys

Y/n i wake up at 6:42,shower,get ready and brush my teeth and start walking(Y/n doesn't eat breakfast on the weekdays since he prefers drinking water instead)

Imane-i wake up 5:30 in the morning and I shower,get dressed,do my makeup,eat breakfast,brush my teeth and then leave and 7:00 and start walking since school starts at 7:40. 

Y/n Im just walking to school since I started walking at 7:00 since I like to be on time and I'm just listening to music with my Beats 🎧 on till I felt like someone was watching me and I tuned around and no one was as there so I kept walking and thought it must've been the wind.
Imane-I'm just walking and saw this boy that looked only a little taller than me and I'm 5.4 I wonder if he is going to the same school as me and I thought he looked cute actually but then I ducked under a car when I saw him turn around and then he started walking again and I thought to myself that was close and I started walking again.

Imane's POV.
I'm in homeroom and it's also my first class for first period and I saw that the boy I saw earlier enter and he is on time but barely and then the teacher introduced him to the class and said his name is y/n and then he assigned him to the desk that is right next to mine and I said to myself ah shit since he's cute and I wonder if he will be nice or say something.

Y/n Pov
I walk to the class and I said hello to my new teacher and she seemed really nice and asked what my name was and I said y/n 
Teacher-Hello y/n my name is Mrs.Smith and it's a pleasure to meet you 

Y/n-Nice to meet you too 
Mrs.Smith-Quiet Everyone I like to introduce you to another new student in this class his name is Y/n and I hope all of you give him a warm welcome.

Y/n hello everyone Im y/n it's a pleasure to meet all of you. 

Mrs.Smith-All right so y/n you will be sitting next to Imane(she points at this cute girl and tells me to sit next to her)over there in the back.

Y/n- all right thank you miss
Y/n- I just sit in the desk next her and I felt already nervous sitting next to her since she looks cute and then she said turned around facing me. 

Imane-hello I'm Imane
Y/n-Hello I'm Y/n.
Imane-nice to meet you so where you did you live before LA ?

Y/n-I lived New Jersey,what about you ?😊
Imane-I lived in Toronto.Canada.

Y/n-really that's cool so your name is Imane I like your name it sounds unique.
Imane-Thank you it means faith in Arabic .

Y/n-that's cool 

Class starts and we have to take notes so me and Imane turned away and started working and it turns out she is smart as hell and I have her only first period and lunch.

It's lunch time and I already made a new group of friends and we bond because of our love of video games,Star Wars,Twitch,and etc.

Imane's POV
I made a group of friends during lunch and they are into video games like me and their names are Rae,Leslie,Janet,and Jodi,they are really nice and we made a group chat so we can play games and be online together but I was still wondering what y/n was doing since he was on my mind all day
Y/n's POV
I'm just talking with John(masayoshi),Edison,and Jeremy(Toast) and then I told him I will catch them later and then after a few classes later I started walking and saw Imane and we started walking together since it turns out we live in the same street.

Imane's POV
After a few classes I saw y/n and I started walking with him and asked if he wanted to continue talking since I liked him secretly so I gave him my number and told him if he wanted we could play online together 

Y/n-all right I gave Imane my number as well and I told her I'll text you later bye Imane😊

Imane-bye y/n.

Y/n POV 

I go inside in my house and I go to my room and I just put my backpack on the floor and took off my white Air forces and laid down a bit thinking about my first day and that it went good but I couldn't stop thinking about Imane she is really nice and cute but we literally just met today,I get up and change I put the clothes I use when I'm home I put on a pair of black shorts,a graphic tee shirt.and then I feel asleep for a bit till I had to go pickup Luis at 4 and when it was time I put my Air forces on and went to pick him up and walked with him for a bit till I found a park and played with him for a bit and went back home.
Anthony-Yo I'm back,

Y/n-sup man how was work
Anthony-same shit as always I'm tired so how was your first day ?

Y/n-It was all right I made some new friends and I met this girl.
Anthony-what's her name.


Anthony-you like her.

Y/n-ima be honest I do but I just met her today she is also a new student and she lives on the same street as us.

Anthony-really ? 


Anthony-good shit man,good luck and take it slow thats I can say for you


Anthony-you picked up Luis ?

Y/n-yea he is in his room he been enjoying that new IPad pops got him.
Anthony-Ima order food for us you down for pizza 

The pizza came and all three of us eat it and then I got Luis ready for bed and we said good night to him and then Anthony said good night to me and went to sleep but I told him ima knock out later.  I use the bathroom in my room and just took a shower.prayed,and went outside to the deck and I thought fuck it so I texted Imane 
Imane's POV.
After y/n said goodbye I just went home and went to my room and started doing my homework and then played some games on my pc then I had dinner,then I showered,then I was just in my bed using my phone till I saw that y/n texted me I got excited a bit

Y/n-hi Imane. 
Imane-hi Y/n whatchu doing.
Y/n-nothing just looking at the stars.
Imane-how ?
Y/n I have a deck in my room so I am outside looking at the sky.
Imane-thats cool it must be nice.
Y/n-yea it's peaceful
Imane-want to ask each other questions so we can get to know each other better 😇
Y/n-all right I'll start what month is your birthday
Y/n-really my birthday is in May as well.
Imane-yay,my turn how many siblings do you have ?
Y/n-I have 4 other siblings but only 2 of them live with me what about you ?
Imane- I have only 1 brother
Y/n- my turn what do you like ?  
Imane-I like games and Twitch.
Y/n-really so do I,my turn what's your favorite food.
Imane-my favorite is spaghetti but I like Fried chicken alot as well hbu ?
Y/n-my favorite food is fried chicken.

We kept talking for a while till we felt sleepy and we said good night to each other and said see you tomorrow 

Imane went to sleep smiling and thinking about y/n.

Y/n went to sleep thinking about Imane and went to sleep smiling.
A few months later something exciting happens for the both of them



Imane my high school sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now