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After a rough two weeks finally, the uninhabited island exam is over.

A lot of things happened during the exam, I managed to make Nanase my ally, Kōenji took first place and now have been granted his freedom, Nagumo confronted me and got humiliated, and the most important thing that I managed to fend of Tsukishiro attacks.

I'm currently lying on my bed enjoying my summer vacation while thinking, this school give us those hellish exams but thanks to this school I managed to obtain my freedom although .

But even then, I'm not satisfied, the fact still remains that I was still a bird trapped in a cage. A bigger cage.

I looked back at the time I spent at this school. To think that it has been almost a year and half since I steeped in this school, time goes by fast, that means I have less than two years until I return to that place.

Although I'm neutral to that place, if I would had given a choice, I will choose not to go back. well, no use thinking about this, that man will never let me be.

For now, I will enjoy my time here as much as I can, or that what I would like to think. After what happened between me and Nagumo on the island there is no way that he will leave me alone. And there's also Amasawa which turned out to be the white room student, I can't understand that girl at all.

Getting out of my room, walking around the ship I noticed a lot of third year students throwing glances at me every now and then.


'This is going to be troublesome.' I thought.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I noticed something flying around, wait, is that a butterfly?

It actually is, and a blue butterfly at that.

Strange, what is it doing here? You usually find them in a grass field or a jungle not in the middle of a sea.


Hmm...? It seems that I got a notification. I ignored that weird encounter and checked out my phone.

Ohh! I got a message from Kei.

[Kiyotaka, can we meet up? I want to talk to you.]

[Sure.] I replied.

She sent me a location shortly after I replied.

The one that texted me was Karuizawa Kei, class c girls' leader and also my girlfriend. It been more than a week since the last time we've seen each other, so it's understandable that she missed me. As I was the same, I think. But from her message I think there's more to it than just seeing each other. And I think I have a basic idea of what it is.

Well, that's good as I also want to tell her about what happened between me and Ichinose. Honestly, I'm quite surprised that Ichinose fell in love with someone like me. A good-natured girl who could trust even her enemies, and a horrible human being who think the others are just tools for him to use is quite the opposite. Although I'm trying to change it still not possible for us to be together, and I think she deserve someone better.

Oh. It seems that I arrived at the meeting place. Looking around I saw a beautiful girl resting her hands at the railing. Her purple shining eyes staring at the moon. Her blonde hair fluttering with the wind. her silky smooth skin shining in the moon light. If this was a painting, beautiful will be its title. As I was mesmerized in this scene Kei noticed me.



We stared at each other in complete silence, there's no one here just the two of us. I took a step towards her and she took a step too. Kei's now at arm length in front of me, I slowly raised my left hand and touched her right cheek. In response she rested her head in my hand and closed her eyes. I moved closer to her bit by bit. Now I can feel her warm breath on my skin and my heart start beating faster. Then her lips met mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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