ep 1 (backstories)

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Keeley's point of view

Hi, I'm keeley Fowler. Yes, I'm a Fowler. And yes andy or Andrew Fowler is my brother. Yes, the andy Fowler. Ever since we were younger we were always singing and andy posted stuff off it and either of me or him or us singing and it all blew up. He started writing his songs. Then his career took off. He joined the boy band overload then road trip and that's when he met the love of his life rye. Rye Beaumont. We also have a younger sister called hazel. She is our adopted sister but we treat her like she is blood cus she is. She also is dating rye younger brother Sammie. There in love. Our parents aren't the best. Well after our dad adopted hazel when she was 5. They started having arguments. And when I was 16 then my parents divorced and we decided to stay with mom and still visit our dad but when I turned 17 his MS took over him and he gave in. And it took him. Now about me, I hate public speaking and just public spaces but singing pulls me out of it. I haven't been in a relationship for about a year now because of a guy called will who lead me on and used me and stuff like this. he pretended to love me, and when I would go out with friends he would be mad. and he would hurt me. But kera was always there for me. She would help me so much when I am in a dark place she would help me she help me see the light. She's my best friend my sister but not by blood. Even when she started dating max nothing changed.

Kera's point of view

hi, I'm Kera cantwell. I'm HRVY's and willows sister. Our mom, Caz died in a car accident when we were young. It hit us physically and emotionally but it hit HRVY a lot more than it hit us. Since it's just been us three since we were young. HRVY is very overprotective of us. Once willow started dating Shaun Beaumont he kind let loose. Then when I got with max he was mad but he let loose. Only a year ago HRVY realised to the fans about a situation. but the fans where so supportive.  A few years back I dated a boy called Cole he hurt me in so many ways physically and mentally. But my best mate Keeley and my best friend max well now boyfriend was there for me and so was everyone else.

Andy's point of view

Hi, I'm andy, for a few years now it has just been me, hazel, keeley and our mom but we never see her. She would be working at the pub from the time it opened and the time it closed. And I would be making dinner for everyone. But thanks to the love of my life rye and my sisters. Helped me a lot. I would love to make sure my sisters are treated right and they're safe when there are in a relationship. I didn't want them hurt especially what happened to keeley. I couldn't let that happen again cus it hurt her and it would hurt me. I do think rye gets consider about me but I try my best to act fine. Rye siblings are all crazy but they have another sibling but she Isn't confident. Kind of like keeley in a way. Anyway back to Her. Ivy Beaumont is her name. she doesn't like being in the limelight but I do think she just needs some one there to help.

HRVY's point of view

Hi, I'm Hrvy for a while now it has just been me, willow kera. After our mom passed away everyone helped us with food and money to pay for bills and stuff. When kera's and max's relationship Im fine with it but im still uneasy about it. We're Shaun and willow relationship I'm fine with it but if he breaks her heart his dead I'll break his face.

Max's point of view

Hey, living on music street there is always so much madness here. I've been dating a girl called kera for a while now. We have been dating since we were 14. my mom, dad, Harvey, Dylan everyone I'm friends with and family members is always supporting us. And I hope to make her mine. Some day.

Harvey's point of view

Hey, I'm Harvey, so living in music street is quite fun and there is always madness. Last year I thought I was in love. She would force me to have sex with her. And she would sleep with other guys. And then when I would hang out with keeley or kera. My best friends I would get blamed for cheating even tho 1. Kera is with max and 2. keeley was with Will we'll we all thought she was with Will. Who leads her on every time she goes back to him. Kera and keeley both suffer from mental health and keeley will hide her emotions away where kera will still hide them away but we know if something is up. But now I think I have started to develop feels for keeley. It was hard for me last year other than my ex but also because we got told max would have 24 hours to live if he didn't have the surgery. I acted like I was fine but inside I was crying because I didn't want to lose my best friend and my brother. But he survived 

Hazel's point of view

Think about being adopted into the Fowler household. And then start dating your brother's boyfriend's brother. Well, that's my life. I'm dating Sammie. Yes Sammie Beaumont, he concern me a lot with the things I do. But I love him. Other than Shaun, Rye and Robbie they have A younger sister called Ivy. She is only one year younger than us. She hasn't been in the street for 5 years now but I'm really close with her. She is coming into the street again soon.

Willow's point of view

Hey, in willow cantwell and I'm dating shaun Beaumont. He is wonderful but it does concern me what he does but I love him and but he always knows when I'm upset. My siblings are amazing but HRVY is so overprotective but I love him

Rye's point of view

Hey, I'm rye. I've been dating andy Fowler for three years now. But not a load of people in the street know yet. I just feel bad for andy and his sisters. They're struggling and their mom can't even be bothered to help them. She works from the time the pub opens and in till it closes. I couldn't believe it when I first had dinner there's and Andy was cooking and that he was providing for himself and his sisters. Just wish I could help. And keeley used to have a boy called will around a lot cus they were together but now there are not she hardly has anyone around just sits in her room all day. Andy is so worried about her. I also made a mistake a few years ago I slept with my best mates sister. It was stupid and I feel so bad but we promised to keep it a secret.

Jack's point of view

Hi, I'm jack. Living in music street is just madness. Living in the same street as my friends is amazing. Since I was 14 I've been dating Izzy Williams. She is amazing. About 3 years ago today Izzy gave birth to our little girl Ellie. They're both my pride and joy. It would hurt me if anything happens to them

Izzy's point of view

Hi, I'm Izzy, u probably don't know me. But I'm jack duff's girlfriend. We have been dating since 14 and about 3 years ago. I gave birth to our daughter Ellie. We are trying to give her the best life we can. Jack and Ellie mean the world to me and ill try to make them happy as possible.

Evie's point of view

Hi, I'm Evie meg, you may know me from tittok as thistrippyhippy. I'm not moved into the street yet but I will be. With peter, I've to know max and Harvey for a while. And meeting max's girlfriend kera and their best friend keeley I've gotten on with them so well and became friends with them. I also have Tourette's as u may know and I also have Caesars white a lot but I know how to hand some of them.

Ivy's point of view

hi I'm Ivy Beaumont, I'm Rye's, Robbie's, Sammie's and Shaun's younger sister. I'm only a year younger than Sammie and Shaun so I'm 14. I haven't lived in music street for 5 years because I went to boarding school but I'm moving back into the street because my mom couldn't afforded to keep paying for my commotion but that's fine I want to go to a public school anyway. I get to see my family and my best friend Hazel fowler. But she hasn't told me if her and Sammie are together but Willow and Shaun have told me that Hazel and Sammie are together. Willow even told me she's dating my other brother Shaun and apparently Rye is dating Andy which I'm not surprised. You also probably don't know me because I asked rye and everyone else that I don't want to be in videos 1. because I don't want to be in it. 2. I'm not confident but I'm also a mute  

Leo's point of view 

hi I'm Leo mills. yes I'm related to max and Harvey. oh and tills. I mean being related to them has it flaws but its all good. Living on music street is fun. Having my friends in the same street and Being in the same street u basically know everyone its fun. 

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