A Totally Awesome Day!!!!

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I went to school early! Finally a chance to live with
GOD!!! Anyways I saw Cheren on the school gate
He was like waiting for someone....
I asked a question "Uh.. are you waiting for someone?" He looked at me with a kind of  uh..
NVM! Anyways,he said to me "No one, why?"
I was like ok...and anyways we saw Bianca Kyla
And a guy beside them...Who should he be?
I was about to ask.." Who is----" The guy just ran towards Cheren and just gave him a hug..???
The guy said " Hey!! Bro!! Wats up?"
And of course , he TOTALLY answered him!
" Oh, c'mon stop doing that N!"
I was Surprised that his name was N!
"N??! Seriously, just N? no other?"
He was like "yep no other!"  HE WAS SMILING ALL THE TIME?!? Kyla approuched me and said
" HEY! What are you two doing here alone?!"
Of course,I talked back " What ? We were just talking a minute ago but you guys came by"
It was about time when we came in. Cheren was
Pretty good at class actually while I sketch while
We have class . Sketching is my thing though :D
When class is over, I keep sketching My friends
Kyla,N,Cheren and Bianca watch me sketch
And tell fun jokes while I was sketching really cool
Day though. HEY! READER! Did you know I don't
Actually smile? Well..at the right time :P
It was actually night when i came back


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